Chapter 24

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   Eleanor caught the wielder before she had fallen in the middle of the courtyard. Despite her weight, she was surprised she could still catch her. " You must be careful Phoebe," she scolded. "You don't want the baby to be hurt by something so simple." 

" The baby was able to protect itself from Vesta's attacks at the wedding. I'm sure they can handle it if I trip over this once." 

" Babies is fragile Phoebe, not some toy." 

" I understand that Eleanor." The wielder sighed. " You're not as fun as your were before you had gotten married. Alistair has been treating you well I hope." 

" Better than I imagined," she admitted. " He's...gentle when he's not around his men. Almost makes me think he's a new person honestly. 

" It makes you anxious to know that he's fighting the South's King, doesn't it?" Selina asked. Eleanor slowly nodded, as she sighed. 

" I want to know that they're safe, fighting in the South with winter happening at the moment. I understand, most storms can not hold us back, but there are chances." 

" There are only chances for failure," the wielder explained. 


By night, she returned to her chambers. She had to be honest, it was lonely without Dillus around planning his attacks. She had missed the fool she loved dearly. 

" Excuse me my lady." 

She turned to find Sebastian with a smug look on his face. 

" What is it? It's the middle of the night and I do not like that you're in here." 

"Can't I see how the queen is doing?" he asked innocently. 

" I can take care of myself," she said, turning away from him. She already knew he wanted to be in here because her husband wasn't around, which he would try and get her into bed with him.
" You should be in your chambers with your sisters and what wench you picked up from the tavern." 

Sebastian stepped back, " Ouch, that hurt my lady. Are you saying that I'm a man that only has woman give me bastards?" 

" Sounds like it," she admitted. " I have heard stories from you about how your family was and what happened with your grandfather and your father. Seems like you're the kind of person to do such a thing." 

For once, he was offended that she had insulted him so. Unable to control himself, he grabbed her wrist and brought her back to him. 

" Sebastian, leave me be," she said sternly. " I am the queen, not some hoe from a tavern." 

" No, you're different and that's the truth," he whispered. " I have never been with a woman that has rejected me over and over. Surly, my cousin can find a different wife other than you." 

" No." She tried to move her wrist away from him, but he had a tight grip on her. He brought her close enough for his lips to reach her neck. She had never felt so humiliated before in her life. His kisses were different, he was more rough and demanding while her husband was gentle and compassionate to her. Finally, she was able to remove her wrist from his grip. When she stepped back, she slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark on his cheek. " You leave me alone. I am married to Dillus and I love him with all my heart. The next time you touch me, I will tell my husband and he will do the rest." 

" Like Dillus would hurt his blood." 

"No, but he will surly punish you for kissing his wife." 

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