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~5 years later~

     The sound of music rang through the room as everyone danced. It had been the young Prince and Princess's name day. The Queen watched as her twin children held each other's hands and danced around the room, gaining cheers from the audience. It has only been five years and everything changed quickly. Her children had grown like weeds, already approaching their fifth birthday. She watched as everyone she knew, welcomed each other with open arms and started conversations. Dillus approached his wife, putting his hand on her knee. 

" Already five years," she whispered as he sat next to her. 

The King nodded. " It's hard to believe such a thing." 

Both of them had matured since the war. After Sebastian was banned, the two had worked to form a kingdom where a problem could be solved with ease. It was difficult for the both of them, leaving behind their childish selves for the best of the kingdom, as well as their children. 

The King looked at his children, smiling at the grins that were on their faces. " I'm glad that the war is over. We would not have this happiness." 

" That makes the two of us." 

Dillus watched as his wife slowly turned pale. She then put her hand on her forehead, feeling warm. " Are you okay?" 

" I'm fine, just tired. Do you think they will be knocked out tonight? Surly this feast would make them tired." 

" If they are enjoying themselves with Gabriella and the others, then I am sure they would have peaceful dreams tonight." 


 The royal children were taken to their rooms, exhausted from the event. James was easy to put in bed, but Katelyn was the one who fought sleep. She watched as her father brought the sheets up to her neck, making sure that she was comfortable. 

" Father," she muttered. 

 " What is it?" 

" Are most royal people friendly like Gabriella and her family?" 

Dillus nodded, moving the strains of her from her pale face. " Why are you asking such a thing? You never asked this before after you have played with them." 

" Because...I heard Aunt Ryia insulting Mother earlier," the young princess mumbled. " She called her names I can't understand." 

The King frowned. " Names? She called her queen names?" 

" That I can't understand," Katelyn finished. " I have heard that Aunt Ryia did not like Mother since she arrived in this kingdom. I was also told that you and mother had an arranged marriage." 

" That is true."

" Did you force her?" his daughter questioned. 

" I never forced your mother to do something she never wanted to do. An arranged marriage is made when the father thinks he has found a good match for his son. In that case, your mother was the one I married." 

" And you love each other?" she asked. 

Dillus looked at his daughter before nodding. The young princess smiled and rolled onto her back. " That's all I wanted to know. I have seen couples love each other in the town, but I wasn't sure about you and mother." 

The King chuckled, ruffling his daughter's hair. " You don't have to worry little one. Your mother and I love each other dearly." 

She smiled. " Good to know. Elisota has talked about how the same thing happened to her parents."

" All you need to know is, when you see two people close together, laughing and smiling that means they really love each other. Despite all the differences."  


The Queen waited in their chambers for the King to return. She was reading a book that he had given her, based on the old fairy tales which she heard since she came to the kingdom. Selina rose her head once she heard the door open.

" Are they resting?" she asked. 

" The event tired them out. Katelyn somehow managed to fight off last minute, but she's resting peacefully at the moment." 

" Good to know, she deserves to have a nice night." The King sighed and fell into the bed. His body ached from all the dancing he had done. The Queen giggled and rubbed her husband's back, calming him down. " I suppose they will have a lot of energy tomorrow morning." 

" Maybe," he groaned. He lifted up his head and kissed her forehead once more. 

The Queen's face had became warmer as he slipped her gown off her shoulders, kissing the thin scars there. He was never rough with her because of how fragile she was. She held her breath as the gown slipped off her breasts. He stopped suddenly when he reached her stomach, feeling the thick scar that was there. It had been new from the last time she had a stillborn about two months ago. 

" Dillus, it's fine." 

The King shook his head. " No, it's still my fault this happened. If I had never been so impatient before, perhaps the child would be alive and you would not have this scar." 

" Things happen for a reason," she told him. " Happiness would not come all the time." 

" I want to think that," he whispered. His breath tickled her skin. 

" We can always try again. It doesn't mean we can't have anymore children. It means we have to pray to the Gods, that the next child lives. Perhaps, it's sooner than I thought." 

Dilus lifted up his head. " What do you mean?" 

The Queen felt her heart stop as she dragged her hand upon her flat stomach. She had been feeling quite ill lately, something she didn't have in the last pregnancy. " I think I might be with child this time." 

She watched as the King frowned at her. " Are you sure. You've had the symptoms?" 

" I have. A sick stomach I presume was one of the symptoms. Also, my breasts have ached dearly in the last couple of days. Your mother has mentioned that was one of them as well." As she explained, she watched how confused her husband was. " A-ah I'm sorry Dillus. Women can't help but get pregnant after a man has bed her. I understand this will be a problem but-" 

She didn't get to finish as her husband held her tightly against his chest. She was confused, but she then hugged him back. " I'm glad. Honestly, I am." 

" It doesn't seem like you are," she muttered. 

" I am, I'm just worried is all. That might open up once more, but I guess we just have to pray to the Gods that it doesn't happen again. I want to make sure you and the baby live." 

The Queen sighed of relief, feeling her husband's warmth. It always made her feel at peace when he was this close to her. 

" I want to live a life with you and the baby," he whispered. " Perhaps Katelyn and James will make sure they have a happy life." 

Selina giggled. " Perhaps." 

The King smiled, running his fingers through her white hair. " I love you." 

"  I love you as well, now and always." 

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