Chapter 11

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" It doesn't matter that you are married. You have to continue your training until you have your next assignment!" Maura shouted. She pulled the sheets, causing the wielder to fall face first onto the ground. It was early in the morning, as her and Dillus were suppose to have some alone time after the wedding. Apparently, they hasn't gone past Maura.

Selina groaned and rubbed her face. " Maura, it's too early in the morning."

" Early in the morning my ass. We have another battle assigned to us in the South. Are you telling me that you're not going? Even though you have an agreement with the King?"

" I'm not saying that," she muttered.

" Then what are you saying?"

" Maura, you need to calm down," Dillus said, sitting up in the bed. "She had a long day yesterday, with the wedding and the party afterwards. Give the girl a little credit before pulling her out of the bed."

Maura scoffed, " Are you telling me that war should be put on hold, just so you two can make love to each other?"

" We're not saying that," Selina replied. However, Maura wasn't hearing any of it. She scoffed once more before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The couple shared a quick glance, before looking back at the door. Dillus sighed, running his fingers through his hair. " Of course she would have a break down like this."

" You're telling me she's allow to break into our room, even if we're married?"

" Not... exactly," he slowly replied. "My father doesn't know of Maura's deeds. I assume he just thinks she's just trying to make us ready for battle."

Selina chuckled nervously before standing up. She felt a little blood run from her nose. " And she doesn't care if she injures me in the meantime," she added. She wiped the blood and sat down on the bed. She had felt comfortable knowing that Dillus wouldn't do anything to her, but she was still on edge for the Queen to question her.


He had heard rumors that referred to the married couple, but he wasn't sure if they were true. Leon knew that his older twin was too kind for his own good. Their father had disliked Dillus's kind personality, but he couldn't change him no matter how much he tried.

" It seems that our cousin was quite happy last night." Leon looked up from his book, to find his cousins standing in the doorway. He rolled his eyes and looked down at his book once more. Miranda pouted like a child as put her hands on her younger cousin's shoulders. " Come on now," she said. "Don't be like that."

" Why are you here?" he asked.

" Sebastian wanted to talk to you," Rosemary answered, sitting down across from her older cousin.

" Talk to me about what exactly? About how you had a crush on my twin's bride, even though he was assigned to marry her?"

Sebastian put his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt. " Dear cousin, I am shocked that you think of me as some pig."

" Because you are one."

His twin covered her mouth, trying to keep a laugh from escaping. She always enjoyed seeing her brother making a fool out of himself.

Sebastian frowned, "What do you mean by that dear cousin? I never tried to hit on her."

" No, but you took her to a tavern. My brother and I heard everything from one of the servants in the palace. She's been loyal to us since she was hired and she is a good friend to my brother and I. Lying to us would do you no good right now."

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