Chapter 16

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  " Dillus, what the hell happened to you?" 

In the library, the twin brothers had decided to meet up and discuss battle plans for the South. Leon noticed his brother's hair was messed up and there had been a mark on his neck, near the collar. The younger twin pointed his brother's neck. " There's a red mark there. Has Selina done something to you?" 

His older twin quickly covered up the mark, his face turning red. " Selina...was quite demanding last night. I assumed she had too much to drink, but she was sober when we walked to our chambers." 

Leon chuckled as he placed the book on the desk. He always knew his brother's weakness was his wife. " Do you really love her?" 

Dillus looked up at Leon and nodded slowly. " I love her with all my heart. It doesn't matter that she has the crescent moon engraved on her body. What matters is she's my wife and partner." 

" Are you really planning on having her fight in the war? What if she was pregnant?" 

" We will find out before that time. Trust me Leon." 


Selina walked through the town with Prima, introducing her to the North's ways. Of course, people had given her looks based on her clothing. The wielder grabbed the princess's hand. 
" Do not look at them. They judge you because of your rank, not your personality. I have learned that since I arrived here." 

" You never told me what happened to you or how you arrived here. Prince Dillus has claimed that guards took you to the dungeon before taking you to the king and his wife." 

" Because they thought I was a spy and I had killed one of their guards," she explained. " That is why I was hurt so much." 

Prima looked down at the ground in shame. " It seems like they took you as a prisoner." 

" I know that much Prima." 

" How did you get the people to like you? It seems like the children respect you and the adults think of you as a good person. Your status was turned around as you became the prince's wife. Sounds like a fairy tale to me." 

Selina smiled wiry as they walked through the festival. Since their marriages were not announced yet, no one had suspected they were the queens of Rimtown. " So, everyone here enjoys festivals like this?" Prima asked, grabbing the chicken leg. 

" I do not know. Dillus has not taken me here before and I wish they this kind of celebration back at the palace." 

" Doesn't it make you uncomfortable? I saw you with their cousin last night and he seemed to be interested in you." 

The wielder snickered before drinking. " No, Sebastian and I are not like that. I am loyal to my husband and he is loyal to me. I just hope it continues to be like that until my children would grow older." 

" Even with the war happening?" she asked. 

" It's the only choice we have at the moment Prima." The wielder turned her attention to a couple, whom was making love in the middle of the festival. The South's princess tried to look around Selina, but she blocked her view. " Well, this was nice. How about we head back to the palace. I worry our husbands might be looking for us." 

The wielder quickly grabbed her hand before anything could get worse from there.


Eleanor and Elise had been waiting for the two girls outside the palace. Eleanor was the first one to notice the them and quickly walked over to the two to scold. Elise had stood behind the girl until she finished her scolding. 

" I can not believe you left the palace for some festival," Elise said, shaking her head. She turned her attention to the younger girl." The food here is better than there and you might have seen some things that are not for virgin eyes." 

The princess slowly nodded in shame. 

" Nothing happened," Selina said. " I was showing her around the area. She can not stay in a palace all the time." 

" It's the safest place at the moment," Eleanor whispered. " The South's King is coming here for the wedding and we do not want anyone in the town to find out about this. Even the nobles. They would kill her as soon as they find out." 

" Kill an innocent little girl?" the wielder questioned. 

" You really do not know about these times Miss Selina," Elise said. " Please, head off to bed. My Lady, your husband was wondering where you had gone. He wanted to speak with you for a moment." 

" Ah, alright. I will see you in the morning Prima and hopefully we will enjoy ourselves even more." 

The young princess smiled as Selina was taken to her room by Eleanor. After they left, Elise glared at the girl and shook her head. " You are in big trouble." 

" I am not a little girl Elise." 

" No, but you are important to this family. It does not matter that you came from a different family, people here still care about your well-being." 

"Will the people really kill me? And will my father hurt me before the wedding?" 

The maid looked back at the timid girl, noticing how her shoulders dropped at the mention of her father. Elise gave her a sad smile before patting her back. " Do not worry Prima. I will make sure your father does not hurt you before the wedding. And the Honorclouds will protect you from the nobles if they find out what happened." 

" Thank you for taking care of me Elise. I do not know what I would do." 

" Look at the bright side Princess. We already have a long week ahead of us before your father shall arrive." 

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