Chapter 7

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Queen Fayla led the teenager to the ballroom, where she would learn more about her manners. They both entered the ballroom, with a woman waiting there for Selina. She took the time to examine the girl. She had long black hair that was tied into a bun and bright blue eyes. The woman smiled as they entered. " Ah, so this is the child," she said. She examined Selina's appearance, taking note that the girl didn't know how to dress herself.

" Yes, this is Selina," Fayla said. The queen pushed the teenager closer to the woman, her eyes widening.

" Nice to meet you," she said. The woman shook her head slowly. Selina looked back at the queen, confused at what she did.

" This is Maisy. She taught me since I was a young girl."

" Y-young girl?" the teenager stuttered. She back at the woman. There wasn't a single strain of gray hair on her. She looked too young to be around the queen's age. Maisy nodded and told Selina to sit down.

" We will begin our study," she told her. The queen smirked and walked out of the room when the teenager wasn't noticing. Maisy stood in front of Selina, her gentle smile now gone. " Now, we will begin. How much do you know about Rimtown?"

" Not much," she admitted. " Though, the culture here is different."

" Ah, the queen said that you don't know anything about your background. It's my job to help you understand how we do things around here. I have also heard that you had a crescent moon on your forehead."

Instinctively, Selina touched her forehead. " Yes."

Maisy slammed a book down on the table, causing her to jump. " Now, your assignment is to read this book and you will be tested the following day. But for now, you must learn your manners." She handed her tea cup and saucer.

Selina picked up her cup, making Maisy slap her hand. " No, don't pick it up like that."

The teenager went through that for hours, having the woman slap her hand whenever she did something wrong.

When evening came around for her training, her hand was as red as a cherry. Maura had trained the teenager in the field once more. She had done better than before, but it was nothing compared to Maura. Even if she had a gash on her shoulder, she was able to defeat her. Selina landed on her knees, trying to catch her breath. " Nothing stops you," she said.

" I'm trained to become something more than a general. I'm more like a tool than a person."

" But you have feelings, correct?"

Maura shrugged as she put her sword away. " Feelings show weakness. If I show it to my enemies, they will destroy who I care about. That hasn't happened to you?" she asked. The teenager shrugged.

" I do not know. Everything is a blur, remember?" Though, that dream she had given her some of her background. Were there more like her back? It seemed like the village was filled with them. But if they were that strong, why did they die that easily from a fire? Those thoughts were in her mind the rest of the day.

About a week later, their was a dinner planned for the wedding. Selina was seated next to Dillus while the rest of the royal family was seated near the front. The Dawstrong and the nobles were seated near the end of the table. Selina felt uncomfortable between the Dawstrong girl and her future husband. Even though they were childhood friends, it made the atmosphere uncomfortable. Speeches were prepared, and many nobles had wished them happy life together, though it seemed like it was to Dillus more than her.

She sighed of relief when the dinner was finished, returning to her room for the night. The next day would be the wedding dinner, but there was also a meeting after the prince and his queen return to their room for the night. Selina walked outside, away from all the royalty. She had found them rude and spoiled. Some of the women most likely insulted her. She looked up at the stars, glittering in the dark.

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