Chapter 1

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Walking down the street that was all familiar was comforting for me. Some of my life was spent in a hospital for reasons that I am happy for. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma about three years ago. I am 23 and the cancer started to develop when I was 17 but was not found until I was 18. Battling it for two years, my doctor gave me the great news that my cancer has been terminated. Living in Chicago nobody really knew of my battle, except Anthony Rizzo, number 44 on the Chicago Cubs fought and won his battle with Hodgkin's. Today I was cheering myself up by getting Italian Ice and I was so amazed looking around in the summertime. At least this year, it will be the first time in three or four years since I would be able to go outside and walk around without any pain. 

          "What will it be for you today?" A young man asked. I don't recognize him and he apologizes and introduces himself, "I am Harry and I am new here." He smiles and we shake hands. Harry looks like he enjoys what he is doing. He smiles, he is nice, and welcomes people in as he is trying to come up with a name for himself. 

          "Hello, Harry, I am Mariana and I think I am going to get three scoops of coconut Italian Ice in a cup. Welcome to Chicago. Where are you from? I notice you have an accent." 

             "I am from a small town in England... Holmes Chapel." I nodded and I gave him cash paying for the Italian Ice. I gave him a $5 tip knowing that people hardly ever tip. 

          "Keep the tip." I smile and thank him. Sitting down at the table and got on my phone. I text my friends and let them know that there is this new guy and he deserves tips at Annette's on Armitage. Some of my friends said that they will come to hang out and see what Harry is like. I began to walk to the chairs and tables across the way and decided to sit down. Thinking of what drew me in. Harry seems so young. He seems like he is in his late teens (maybe 18 or 19) and about to enter his 20's. I wonder why he even came to Chicago. It is such a drastic move. 

        As I am eating the Italian Ice that I purchased I see Harry going around and cleaning up. "Is there something else I could get you?" I didn't think he was talking to me so I continued eating until he came closer. "I was talking to you." He whispers and we both laugh. 

               "Harry, I am fine, thank you for asking. Oh wait... maybe we could switch numbers. Since you are new, maybe we could become friends?" I ask and he nods. 

          "My shift ends in thirty minutes. Can I give it to you then?" I nod and he goes back to finish his shift. 


       I see Harry exit the doors and I decide to go to my car and just stand by the driver's door. He sees me and I am mentally wishing that my heart isn't racing too much. Does Harry have to have the effect he has on the girls? Literally all the girls are waving at him and blushing. Including me. Here is one problem... I have a boyfriend, named Tyler. 

       "Hey, thank you for waiting." He smiled and he gave me his phone to input my number in his. I traded and gave him mine. "So any plans tonight?" I shake my head yes and I tell him that I am going to a friend's house for a sleepover. "That seems like fun. I meant to say this earlier, but I like your hair. It is short but not too short." 

            "Thanks. Although, it wasn't my choice. I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, even though I didn't lose hair, I cut it so that other girls who aren't going through the same thing, could have a wig made with real hair." When I say that I shuffle my foot and I feel his eyes on me. 

        "You are a strong young lady, you gave whoever that wig went to, a bit more strength than she had before." His finger moved my head to where we were looking at each other. My heart is racing and I almost feel.... like this is all fast, but then all in the right timing. Even with the wrong timing since Tyler is at home waiting for me. 

        "I got to go. Talk to you some other time." We say our goodbyes and I make my way to my friend, Kelsey's house. I have to tell her. 

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