Chapter 18

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Have you ever just sat on your bed and dreamed about something? Well today I am dreaming of auditioning for Britain's Got Talent. When I was younger I loved to sing.... I just never really imagined people hearing me sing. When Harry told me, I thought I found the guy of my dreams. He has two sides to him. We both have different sides to us. I am not all that perfect. There is one secret I am keeping because I don't want him to see me any differently. This summer has gone by so fast. It is nearly August and I cannot believe I am paving my own career path alongside my father. I smell bacon and some eggs and a coffee pot brewing. That woke me up more than my wild reams of performing. Before I am going downstairs to have breakfast, I need to take a shower and get ready for the day. Leaving the teeth brushing for after breakfast. 

When I changed into some work clothes I am surprised at what I see. A naked Harry cooking with nothing but an apron on. "Good morning Harry." He seemed shocked but turned around showing me a sign. It read: Good morning, beautiful. I laughed at how cute he is becoming. 


"Harry, you didn't have to do this

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"Harry, you didn't have to do this..." I say as he brings me to a seat and serves me a plate with some toast, some eggs, and some bacon strips. He motions for me to wait a moment. He comes back with some coffee and some cream. "Thank you for this." I tell him. For the past few days, Harry has felt a bit ill and hasn't been able to use his voice as much as he would like. "How are you feeling?" I ask him. 

He gets out his phone and types something. He shows it to me. I am good thank you. Feeling a bit better. Thanks for asking, beautiful. Isn't he the best, I am lucky that it just seemed so natural to ask a stranger to become a close friend. We have been through a lot in the past two months and it has been ups and downs. "I was thinking... maybe we could go on that second date?" I randomly asked. 

"Really?" I asked surprised with his hoarse voice and then rubbed his neck as if his throat was scratchy and I know it was. 

"Yes really.... but what I want you to do between now and then... is heal... When you feel better, this date is on me." I tell him. I blow him a kiss. "Thank you for the breakfast. I will be home at 6 tonight. See you then." I gave the top of his head a kiss. 


"Mandy, could you take messages and cancel everything for today. I am taking a personal day." I tell her and she smiles at me. 

"Sure, have a wonderful day." 

"Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend." I tell her as I leave. Turns out my father left me in charge of this branch. He decided to retire early. His retirement party is in 4 weeks. He also offered Harry a £500,000 salary for a co-chair or owner of the company. So we are both executives. Under the age of thirty. My father is hosting a company gala in honor of his retirement in two weeks. I get in my car and go to the library so that I could start writing the song I am going to sing to Harry on the second date. That way, I would be able to pay him back and to share more of myself to him that I did before. 

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