Chapter 13

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*Mariana's POV* 

Sitting in the airplane to England with Harry is something I never thought I would be doing. I get that we did fly together a month ago for Gemma's graduation. I cuddle into his left arm and I look out the window. "My light..." He whispers into my head and I bet he hoped that I was actually asleep. I smile and I continue to look out and I just see clouds all over the place and some of them looked like there was a snow bank, it was just so flat and fluffy and perfect. 

"You are a flashlight." I say to him and I look up and he seemed shocked that I was not asleep. "I wanted you to know that you are my light wherever we are." I give him a kiss on the cheek and that kiss, as small and light as it was reminded me of what happened in Nashville. The time when we rushed and just, went all the way, most of the night. "Even if you are angry, everyone does, but we need to work out our communication skills." I give him a kiss on the cheek and I hug him again before getting on my iPod and listening to music. Unlike most people, I had an iPod before a major big deal phone, so I decided to get a smart phone for talk and text only. 

"My mother and I were talking and she thinks we mesh well..." Harry says randomly. "I never thought I would ever say this... but I came up with a small bucket list..." He takes out a sheet of paper and I notice that there are numbers and actual thoughts. 

1. Go to the Bahamas 

2. Try golfing 

3. Cook with a girl who I care about (Mariana) 

4. Road trip around the United States. 

5. Give back to the community some how. 

6. Retake my GCSE's and go back to university. 

7. Road trip through most of Europe. 

8. Find my passion and follow through with it....again. 

I looked at all of them and I know that he poured his whole heart into these 8 bucket list items. "Love" I got his attention. He always calls me love, I just wanted to see what he would think about when I called him love. "What is with number 8? What did you used to be passionate about?" I sit up and I make eye contact. 

With a deep breath, he answers, "I used to enjoy singing and before I got into all that I did, I never saw anything else, but music. I want to be back in that world. Not every day do people bond over the negative, but the positive." He gave me a hug. "you know?" I nod as if I understood which I did. "Thank you, Mariana. For being there for me." He hugged me and we got back to doing what we were doing before this intimate moment.... playing on our phone and iPod. I quickly took a look for some things online since I knew that I bought this package for the full flight to have wifi, so I checked amazon and I saw these cool airplane necklaces. Go to the Bahamas; travel Europe' road trip around USA.... Those three things pinged in my mind. Might was well get it for a 'just because' present for him. He seems to have done that quite a bit for me already. 

"What are you thinking about, love?" He asks and puts emphasis on love. As if he is owning that nickname so that he and only he can use it for me. Nobody has ever done that for me; however I have only dated one man...well boy before him. 

"Just thinking how lucky we both are." I said and we both smiled. We are getting closer and closer to England and I am so happy. Just happy that my life is complete now. For now. That is the main Life constantly changes. "Harry, why did you pick Chicago for a new start?" 

"Well..." He sat up straight and started to think. "First of all...I wanted to be some place random where I can be and to start a life there. Second of all, I wanted to go to America... and third, well I just closed my eye and pointed it out on a map." We both laugh. Harry is so tough on the exterior, but he is the complete opposite. He is childish... happy, respectful, and kind. All the things I like in a guy. k

"You made your final decision, through a point on a random map?" I ask to confirm what he has told me and he nods telling me that my thoughts are true. "Babe, that is so cute." I pinch his cheek just like a grandmother would. 

"You can also squeeze the other kind of cheeks too..." He seductively whispers in my ear. I laugh and respond as if it was tickling me, which at that point it did. All my life, I have been ticklish in the areas of my ears and my neck. "I forgot...sorry.." He says scooching down and looking at me. "Look, we are getting closer." He tells me and I can see. The London Bridge, London Eye, Big Ben (or the Palace of Westminster) , and the river. We are about to land. Before we do, I take my phone out and take a picture of what we can see before we have to put our things away, getting ready for the descent. 

"Take a selfie with me?" I ask him and he gets into the picture and I take it. Then I take another one where I tried to kiss my cheek, but then he turned so that the camera could capture both of us kissing. "Should we do one of those cheesy couple wallpapers...or not yet?" I ask. Although things are moving rather quickly, I think we should still wait for the label. If that is okay with Harry. 

"We could wait. Things are going might as well slow the roll on the relationship status." Harry is so caring about others. If it was another girl, she would feel offended. Harry and I are both adults now, we think differently than adolescents. " is working for your father?" He seems saddened that he asks that but I let him know that it is okay. 

"Working with my father is how anyone would expect working for a family member. It gets awkward when I have to say his last name as opposed to 'dad' but I will work through it." I let him know and he nods. "Have you been looking for jobs? Or are you returning to Chicago?" I ask and I know that he will feel awkward with me asking. "You have to keep in mind that I can be flexible. If you want a new start in Chicago... then go to Chicago." I give him a kiss. He nods and I have no idea what he is thinking about doing but I do hope that he makes the decision best for him. Not for the both of us. 

"We are going down." He says looking out the window and I take a great picture of him looking out the window.  I know that he is younger than me... but he is only younger than me by three years, but he needs to realize and know that his life is based off of his own decisions. Nobody else's. 

*Harry's POV* 

"Have you been looking for jobs? Or are you returning to Chicago?" I know that even though we are adults talking things through, I don't want to think about Chicago. Even though Chicago was the way both of us met, but it would be a new start as in I wouldn't be able to contact her as I wanted. "You have to keep in mind that I can be flexible. If you want a new start in Chicago...then go to Chicago." Mariana gives me a kiss. I nod and I suddenly want to change the subject so that I could escape my reality. Although, my reality has become more and more of a fairy tale. 

"We are going down." I tell her and she decides to take her phone out and take a few pictures. In one picture, I decided to give her a kiss. 

"Should we use this a cheesy couple wallpaper?" I know that she was curious but she is also wondering what I think. 

"We could wait, I mean this *gesturing to both of us back and forth* is moving quickly. We don't need to put the label on it just yet." I hug her and she seems content with my answer. "So are we going to your house?" I asked just as we landed. 

"W could. I work on Monday, so we could have the weekend at my house. Just warning you, I need to do some housework since I just moved in the house a month ago. Niall is going to help this weekend." She tells me. I can tell that she was nervous to let me know that she invited Niall over before she let me know about it but then I can understand. I wasn't there for her, but my friend was. 

"It's okay, you and Niall got close as friends and I am so happy that my friend and my girlfriend are becoming close." I tell her "So when is Niall coming over?" I asked as we got our bags off of the baggage claim. I take her bag and my bag and we head out of the terminal to wait for a taxi. 

"He is coming tomorrow afternoon and we are going to go pick up the pain colors I want for the lounge, kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms. There are 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a lounge, dining room, kitchen, and a covered patio. I just want to get the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and lounge done this weekend." She lets me know. I forgot how ambitious she is. When we get in the taxi and she tells the driver her house address, I finally got what I always wanted. Someone (other than my family) who cares for me.

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