Chapter 22

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*Harry's POV*
When Mariana came down with a silk robe, my mind left the child when I know that I am holding a 4-day old baby in my arms so I just blanked out and focused in on Peter. "I wish we were alone...." She sighs as she is flipping through television channels on demand to watch a kids movie even when Peter isn't old enough to see or understand anything.
"Mariana I wish we were alone as well." I walked over to Peter's swing and put his binky in his mouth so that I could cuddle up with my hike friend. "The things I could do to you in that robe..." I whisper just to get her reaction. Which she reacted in a funny way. She didn't blush and hde, she just smiled and looked at me. 

"Peter is here..." She jokes and pretend tisk-tsiking me. "Harry, what is on your mind? We promised to talk about everything and everything...." She is making me feeling more and more guilty. 

"Please don't be angry but I do feel like this would be the best decision for me." She nods and looks at me. Starting to shift so she will end up straddling me. "I am thinking about moving to Chicago around Thanksgiving or Christmas time...all my history here is becoming problematic..." 

"Harry, why would I be mad about that? I told you before that if you feel like doing something for you, then go and do it." She gave me a kiss. "And I am planning a surprise vacation for your birthday so don't hate me too much." She smiles and then covers her mouth as if she didn't want to tempt herself to tell me more. She kisses me. "The vacation would be a surprise and I do not want to tell you until it is finalized." I look at her and she is looking at Peter. 

"It's okay. I would travel all over the world, if I have you beside me." I tell her and I give her a kiss. And she laughs when I attempt to tickler her sides. In our relationship we have been: serious at work, kissing and hugging, teasing and making love, or just cuddling. I wanted to bring out the fun in her that I know is there. "Are you ticklish love?" I ask her and I know the answer considering the response I just got. 

"You will not catch me alive." She whispers in my ear as we both realize that Peter is asleep in his swing. She runs out of sight and before I chase her, I take Peter off the swing and place him on the futon in Mariana's room. I place pillows surrounding him. I have read somewhere that we place newborn babies on their stomachs when they are asleep so I did that. 

"Good night, Peter." I whisper and I leave. When I notice that Mariana is on the couch, reading a book, I take a longer look at her. Mariana's legs are long and tanned, they look silky smooth. Her hair is in a messy bun but I notice that her fingers are playing with the strand of hair that is out of place. She crosses her legs and bounces her left foot. I look at the ceiling and I am smiling. This world is filled with other guys.... better guys for her and she chose me. At first out of friendship... then literally two days later, she picked me to be by her side for almost anything. Her parents are missing out on a gem. From what she told me, I know that I am going to have a hard time holding my tongue when it comes to her mother only contacting her if she needs Mariana's money... or when her father told her the debt they used to have before opening a business was all her fault. We met in the middle of July. It is now October and this past week has been crazy and all, but the thought of her, it kept me sane and happy. The thought that someone out there who is just as smart, knowledgable, and caring; that someone of Mariana's personality, could fall and stay with me for as long. I felt my phone in my back pocket vibrate. It was Gemma: Hey brother, I am dating someone and I want you to meet him. Before mom and Robin... and dad. Can you meet him by yourself? It will mean the world to me? I nodded and I looked at the most beautiful woman that I know can ever walk passed me and notice a small town boy in a fast city. I texted her back: Sure. When and where? I know that I am her brother, but I want her to be happy. 

Whoever is dating my sister needs to know what she is and take her for her value. I hear breathing in the room as if a baby is going to cry so I walk over to the futon and I see that Peter is moving restlessly around. "I am here...." I whisper to him as I pick him up. He is 3 days old so I have to figure out what is the problem. I smelt the butt to see if there could possibly be any poo. Just as I suspected. So I take him downstairs so that I could change his diaper, maybe I should give him a sink bath first. I bring him to the kitchen and I ask Mariana for help. "Harry, what could I help you with?" She asks as she walks in and I don't even need to look at her and I know that she has a big smile on her face. "Here, while you adjust the water, I will hold him and get his baby soap in my sister's bag." She tells me. Taking Peter from my arms. 

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