Chapter 11

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*Harry's POV* 

  Today is my sister's college graduation. I am so proud of her and I am so happy that I am here to see her in a cap and gown. "Harry?" I turn around and I see my mom tearing up happy tears as she is sitting outside drinking her coffee. 

"Good morning mom. Didn't think you were up." I say and I see that she is clearly worried about me. She is also emotional because this is the day that her eldest and only daughter is graduating from college. 

"I woke up early, I just cannot believe that this day is finally here." We both smile. "Thank you for coming." 

"I wouldn't miss my sister's graduation." We both sigh and take a deep breath. She starts to read her book and just looked so relaxed. I heard some footsteps walk out and there stood Mariana. "Hey, Mariana, do you want to go around town and maybe London before we have to go to my sister's graduation? That way you could find a dress... or something...." I know I made Mariana so upset and I am working on it and wanting to make it all better. 

"Okay, thank you Harry." She comes and sits on the floor by my feet and she start to check her phone. She answered leaving mom and I in the backyard. From what I can hear, it and it was an angry phone conversation. She comes back out and asks if she could sit on my lap. I allow her. Which my mom gives me a face. 

"What?" I mouth at her and she mouths back a 'nothing.' "So Mariana, whenever you are ready we could go." Mariana rocks back  and forth and she is almost so childish in the way she does it. The swing I am sitting on swings backwards and forwards. 

"Harry?" She questions so softly. 

"Yes, love?" She seems to tingle when I called her 'love'. "Is there something on your mind?" I ask and I play with her hair. She smells like berries. 

"I was thinking maybe you could drop me off at the mall and I will text you when I am ready, so that you and your mom could have an afternoon to yourselves. And... I am taking you, Gemma, her boyfriend, and your parents out. No disagreements." She smiles. 

"If that is what you want." She nods and tells me that she is getting ready for the day and I tell her to let me know when she is ready. As soon as she is in the house my mom smiles and looks at me. "OKay, I might... might be crushing on her..." I blush and look down. "But it is too fast mom. We have only known each other for a month. Isn't that too much in such little time?" I ask her and she comes over. 

"Do you ever just think that your story is unique? She likes you too... I see it." 

"She doesn't..." I almost want to convince myself but then I don't want to be hurt with the thought of her with someone else. That is just painful. She and I have been through some much within the four weeks. When we all thought she left, it hurt me so much. 

"I think she does. Harry don't build that many walls... I know you have, but know she has as well." She says as she sits on the grass and we look at each other. I love my mom and there is not going to be a girl that I love, more than her.  I will love my future girlfriend if she is the right one for me. I sighed and she continued, "You have found a keeper, you decide which keeper she is... a friend...or more." She says and she goes to get more coffee. I am left looking at the sky and trying to clear my mind. My phone vibrates and it is a text...from.... ex-girlfriend: Hey H.  I know its been a while... like 4 months but I hear you are in town and I have something I would like to talk to you about. . She didn't address it with an xox or a heart which I am not bothered by, but Tracy was the one... or what I thought was the one. Until one day happened. I look at it and I responded: Look, I am busy maybe in like 4 days. I am here for a whole week. I know I am going to regret this later, but I am not too concerned. Its not like Mariana and I are dating or anything. I a sure she will be enjoying a night in with my family. She seems like a home body. 


As I look at her in her outfit (the link), I think that she is so gorgeous. Her smile is so bright and her dress is so fitting at the top and she is just gorgeous. Her dress had this ambre type of blue on her and it was great. Mariana had extensions put in and did her make up real well. She and Gemma were having a good time dancing on the dance floor of the restaurant that she and her father had arranged. I guess Mariana and her father started to get along. I saw some guy come by her and she and him started to dance the robot and it made me jealous. I may be a tough guy, but I can have humility and say when I am feeling jealous. She starts to laugh and I see her smile. She looks at me and sees me. 

"Harry come dance with me?" She asks but then her voice sounds like she wants me to dance with her. 

"Go dance with him!" I shout and I walk out. 

"Wait.... I can explain. He was the reason why I didn't leave... he told me to give you a chance and he talked things through. His name is Lucas and he is a friend... only a friend." She shouts and runs following me but I still cannot believe her.  I shake my head and text Tracy telling her I am on my way home and to meet me there since nobody is home. She tells me that she will be at my mom's house in ten minutes. We all took a car, which leaves me walking, so it would take me the same time since we didn't go that far. 

*Mariana's POV* 

I cried. Harry may not be mine at all, but he stabbed me in the heart with a dagger. When he walked... ran off... that hurt me so much. I went back into the bar and I wanted to forget it all. I drink until something leads me out the bar and somewhere that seemed so familiar. As I open the door I see clothes leading up to the bathroom and when I ran in the bathroom to throw up... I saw it. Harry and another girl on top of each other. I didn't even do anything. I walked to his room got a bag and left. I may have been drunk, but I would have done something else if I was sober. 

"Mariana, don't are really drunk and you should stay..." 

"He doesn't want me. Just as I thought. He is incapable of love." I said and I cried out in the front lawn and I sensed every pair of eyes kept staring at me. "STOP! THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE..." I shout and Luke, he came over to me. "LUKE YOU CAUSED THIS! I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT YOU DID!" I cried after that. "And to think I thought HE cared about me." I laid down on the grass and started to cry. 

*Harry's POV* 

When Mariana came in here drunk I was scared that she would nearly hit Tracy and not give her any mercy. I was wrong, she just ran out. "He doesn't want me. Just as I thought. He is incapable of love. STOP! THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE.......LUKE YOU CAUSED THIS! I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT YOU DID! And to think I thought HE cared about me." She cried out and just threw up on some flowers and decided to lie down not too far from that. Gemma looked up knowing that I was staring from my bedroom window. Tracy got her things and left. "Harry... I know you don't care.... but I L..." She stopped. "You don't deserve to hear what I have to say." She got up and started to power punch a tree. she won't remember any of this in the morning. Maybe I should talk to her then. 

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