Chapter 19 -Skip about two months

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*Harry's POV* 

"Harry, you cannot just do that. I am your boss believe it or not. You cannot invest in something without my knowledge." Mariana was screaming at me in our office. 

"Last time I checked, I owned this too..." I was furious. It isn't like I lent the man a million dollars or something. He was trying to start a small business and he needed a bit of money to get it started. He has a family and my heart just went out to him. "Besides, wouldn't it be nice if our company allowed a young father and husband to start a small business?" I tried to justify it. The last decent day was when she surprised me with a song. That was two months ago. 

"Well my father gave you a smaller share than me. Technically, I am more of a boss than you are." She was angry with me to the point where i see that I am ruining her on the inside. As much as I want to tell her I am sorry, I need to step up and show my opinion. "Harry, just leave for the day, okay? I will fix this mess... and he tried to do something in the past. Mike isn't who he says he was. He worked for us and almost sent us to bankruptcy. So don't you dare say you tried to give him a start. He already had one." She yells at me some more and I can see that this isn't just a small fight at work, but also a fight we will continue at home. 

"Alright, I will leave, after I call Mike, revoking his rights to the money." I let her know and I come closer to her and I try to give her a hug, she isn't accepting it though. "I am really sorry, Mariana. I will make it up to you. You know I will." I say and I shut the door behind me when I left her office. No longer mine. Even if I am leaving for the day, I know she wants me out of the business. Ever since her parents left her to it, it has been a big stressor for her. Her father thought having me there would facilitate her but it isn't working the way both of us 

"Hey Eric." I go up to my assistant. "Could you please cancel my meetings for the day? Mariana wants me to leave for the day." I let him know and he nods. All I know is that when she gets home, I will have my tail between my legs. I will let her know that I am going to apply to school and I am going to stay out of the business. Let her run the family business. That is the only thing I can do to make her happy at this point. That and maybe a spa day. 

I drove to the nearest spa and went inside. "Hello, I am inquiring about a day that I could treat my girlfriend to a spa day... and prepay for it." I let the person at the front desk know.

"Well aren't you Mr. Romantic..." He comments. It kind of seemed off for a man to comment on another man's romance. "When do you want to have her come in?" 

"I was thinking maybe tomorrow. It is a Saturday and she really needs to relax. Work has been so stressful." I say as I get my credit card out so that I could  prepay. 

"Would around 10:30 work? That is the only open slot." He let me know, "My name is Liam.,... what should I put the name under? Your name or her name?" 

"Could you put her appointment down for a Mariana?" I ask and Liam nods. "Thank you, see you tomorrow when I bring her in." 

"Sir, would you like a couples' massage?" He asked and I turned around. I always wondered what it would be like, but this is her treat. I am not going to ruin it. She is clearly upset with me right now. 

"No thank you. That will be all." I gave him my card and he charged my account and I signed the receipt. I want Mariana to be happy with me. I want her to look at me like she used to. Because I sure do. She was the best thing that has ever happened to me in a while and I want to treat her like it. My phone vibrates and it is a text from Niall: I know that you and Mariana are in a fight. Are you okay man? How could I ever respond to that? After I read the text, I glanced up at the small clock at the top of the screen. It read 5:30. Mariana will be home soon. I got to go get stuff so that I could cook and dinner will be ready. 

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