Chapter 15

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Having Harry leave me a home when he felt so guilty made me feel guilty. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, but it feels like one missing piece that I have no clue about. Laying on my back is getting painful but my sides hurt and it hurts to even breathe. I touch and feel my naked sides since I didn't change at all. I decide to make a point to go to a clinic tomorrow before work to have someone check it out. It has been three hours since he left and he seemed as if he would get a quick drink and come home. 

         "Niall... don't get any paint on the floor..." I hear three rooms down from me. Why are the two of them here?  It hurts to even move. So I get my phone out and text Harry: Babe, I heard you and Niall painting... could you come here for a moment? It is hard for me to walk. I let him know and I almost pray that he will come and I know the look on his face won't be happy, he is going to be filled with guilt. "Hey love. What would you like?" He shows me two take out boxes. "This one is filled with bbq pork and some rice.... the other box is with honey bbq chicken and some jasmine rice." I tell him I would like the BBQ chicken with rice. 

"Harry, its getting hurtful to breathe let alone eat." Before I can continue he is getting me to wear a dress and some flip flops. 

"We need to get you to the hospital to get you checked out. Let's go." He helps me up and brings me to his Range Rover. I smell a bit of Corona from his breath and his clothes smelled like cigarettes from a bar. He sets me down on the passenger's seat and reclined it so that it would be comfortable. "I made a promise to myself that I would not hurt anyone... and I broke it." My friend....who is becoming more of a boyfriend is so caring and fragile with a dangerous bad boy vibe but he does love and care for those who are close to him. 

"You didn't mean to. Look at me before we drive off..." He and I make eye contact. "Yes we were rough but I never felt more alive other than in those 15 minutes. When we met... there was a spark... a few hours ago... there were fireworks." I took his hand and kissed it. " I forgave you... please forgive yourself." 


"Hello... I need someone to check on my girlfriend... she has some injuries." He states as we go to the desk and I am leaning on him since it is the most comfortable feeling. The nice lady has us sit down and asks me to fill out the forms which I do. As I wait I notice this young man around our age that is walking up to the counter. 

"Hi ma'am.... I am Liam Payne, does anyone know about my mother's condition?" He seemed nervous and he has some tattoos but not too much. When the receptionist says she does not know I see him break  a little more inside. Just like how I felt when I found out that my brother was dying right before my eyes. He walked over and sat across from Harry. 

"Hello." I decide to be friendly and Harry looks at me. "My name is Mariana and this is my boyfriend,Harry. How are you doing?" He seems surprised that I was talking to him but then he looked around and realized that there was only 20 people in the room and we made eye contact. 

"I have seen better days.... my name is Liam. Nice bird tats man..." He looks at Harry and I notice that Harry has become less jealous and he smiled. "They must have hurt." 

"They did, but they were well worth it." As Harry and Liam are talking, I feel like at any moment my name will be called to see a physician. 

"Mariana.... a doctor may see you now..." I get up and I slowly walk. I tell Harry that I am a big girl and that I am fine. So he sits and pouts, which Liam laughs at and I laugh too. 

As I am seated, I am asked to take my clothes off and to put a robe on for an examination. I do as I am told and I hear a knock. "Mariana, it is Doctor Ezra." I nod and remember that the door doesn't have a window so I tell him that he could come in.  "So I have been told your sides hurt and are bruised. Could you tell me what you were doing to get into this position?" 

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