Chapter 4

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I am sitting in the passengers seat singing along to Capital Cities' "Safe and Sound" and Harry starts to sing as well. When the song ends. We say at the same time, "You have an amazing voice." 

"Jinx!" I yell before him and he smiles. I didn't mean to jinx him but we were joking around. Something about him seems like he feels hurt that I was so quick to say it. "Harry, I did not mean to jinx you. Just playing around." I stick my tongue out and he laughs. "When did you start singing? Have you ever thought about auditioning for X Factor or anything?" I ask. 

"I have always wanted to be a singer, its just about passion. I have thought about it, but my family mean a lot to me..." I nodded in understanding. "I miss them so much." He says and I also nod. Understanding his feelings, but not his situation. 

"I am sorry Harry." I hold his hand and he and I both smile. 

"Mariana, what was your low point?" He asked and I know why. He wanted to think that he wasn't the only going through family drama. 

"Honestly, the way my cancer effected how my family perceived me. I felt powerless like I couldn't do anything, because they would do it for me. One day, I wanted to die. So that the hell or prison of help would disappear." I tear up. "Then fast forwards 3 years, I am happy to be here. I wouldn't have met you... and became friends with you. Low points are just that, eventually, there is going to be something to set you apart from the others. 

"Aww..." He says. 

"Why did you make this big move?" I took a breath and continued, "I know if I would miss my mom and dad, I wouldn't leave." He pulled off the highway. I guess this is going to be a long story and he heard my stomach growl. 

"I moved so that my history, my problems, everything, would hopefully be forgotten. Which I know is not the case." He looked saddened. "I know this is very strange, but I needed a distraction for a bit. Not saying I am not wanting to be friends, trust me, I NEED you as a friend. I just wanted to leave and enjoy it. While I can." I nodded. 

I felt my pocket buzz Hey Mariana, when are you ever going to visit us? Mom and I miss you. xox I smile at the message. At the same time I am angered. My father never and I mean NEVER showed an interest in me when I got healed. In fact he was resentful of me because he couldn't drink because he used the money he saved towards my medical bill. I put my phone in my pocket. The message could clearly wait. "Lets walk around for a bit." I told him. We parked in a parking lot and asked the manager of the store after we paid for some things if we could walk around the area a bit. She surprisingly told us yes. 

"So, what is something you love to do other than singing?" I asked him. To lighten the mood a bit. 

"I love to dance." He says and I was speechless. Is he joking? "Its not a joke." He exclaims and we put a song on and he slow dances with me. "See...?" He kind of did that face that shows someone that he actually made a valid point. 

"Okay." I laugh. "Did you go to prom or did you leave before then?" The thing is, he is 19 and I am 23. There is an age gap that we are both okay with... he told me before that he would date someone older or younger, as long as their personality is better. He tensed and he almost answered. "Harry, we should go back to the car. I will drive this time." I take his hand in mine and he seems happy that I had not made him answer. 

"Do you love driving? You mentioned driving 6 times." 

"I do. Also, the only boys I had drive me around were my brothers and Trey and they always used that as a cover story. I want to drive somewhere that isn't dark. You know what I mean." He nods and sits in the passenger seat. "So, what music artists do you like?" 

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