Chapter 14

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"As soon as I saw you, I knew a great adventure was about to happen." I wake up next to Harry and I whisper that into his ear. It is so childish of me to pick a quote from Winnie the Pooh, but when I met him, that is what happened. Great adventure. He took me on my first road trip and then three weeks later, he took me to England. I play with Harry's curly hair, it is getting longer but it is still a great head of hair for me to play with as he sleeps. Last night, I got the best sleep I have had in a while. On my bedside table, there was a vibration. I got a text on my phone: Sorry I cannot make it to help. It is a family emergency. Maybe next week I could help? I replied to Niall and let him know that I think he is a great friend and that I wish I was there for him. He let me know that it was completely okay. So I lied down and cuddled into Harry's chest. He smells like the lavender body soap I used to use.....did he keep it? We both fell asleep in our clothes that we wore as we were traveling.

I leave the bed and recline on the love seat that I set in a little small area for a seating area. I got back on my phone and I received a message from my father: Hey Mariana, I am going to need you to take control of the office all of next week. Thank you. Mom and I are going on vacation.Yes, we are still married and yes we are in a long distance relationship. He confirmed my mind as I was reading it. I guess my father and I have been reconnecting so much that we are starting to remember some things and how we think. I smile and respond back Okay, thanks. This coming week or the week after? I just wanted to clarify. Well our anniversary is in two weeks... so two weeks from this coming Monday. I nodded and I was happy. Even though I am working until then, he is trusting me enough to control the entire office floor. So technically, I am in control of his calendar and meetings until he gets back. Whenever that will be. Never in my life, would I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for a office worker. Although it is not something I want to be doing in my life, but I need to do it until I figure out what I want to be. Before I had cancer, I wanted to be a teacher. Now, I have no idea what I want. Do I want to take courses and see if I could take some accredited courses towards nursing? It seems like a complete opposite, but this might be the thing I will enjoy for my life. It is giving back, but then also teaching me to understand what happened in my body and how it changes.  Another quote that enters my mind is that "the smallest thing can take up the most room in your heart", another Winnie the Pooh quote. That one second I looked into Harry's eyes, well that impacted me and we got here.I love him so much. First I loved him as a friend and now I am loving him as someone I am talking to. Things are so funny that way. 

Not too long after I looked out the window, seeing the landscape, I hear the bed sheets move. "Morning, love. What a beautiful view." He seems to be pointing outside but I know, like all the cheesy romantic comedies, he is meaning me. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asks and he walks over to me. Giving me a hug from behind and I can sense with his breath that he is going to kiss me on the neck. "Why don't we go back to bed? Only this time, only in our undies. Pants and t-shirts aren't too comfortable." I laugh at his theory. 

"Harry, Niall has a family emergency. I am going to go get the paint...could you please arrange the rooms so that it would be easier to paint?" I ask and he nods looking down at me with a smile. 

"As long as I get to paint on you...." He laughs and I look at him confused and give him a kiss. I head to the closet and change into jeans and a Sia t-shirt I got at a concert not too long ago. "Babe... Babe...!" I hear Harry yell before I leave. 

"What? I am about to leave, I want to get to the store earlier rather than later." I said to him as I got closer to the bedroom door.  "Harry... open up." I say. He was the one that got my attention. A few moments later he exits and tells me that he wants to go as well. His help is something that makes me happy. I smile and I give him a kiss. "Thank you for doing this. I know you probably could be doing something better with your time." I tell him and we head over to the car. 

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