Chapter 5 : Shamelessly Watching

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"Hahaha. Orland get your ass out here. We managed to kill a Forest Stalker. We need your ridiculous strength to process it," yelled a feminine voice merrily from outside the command building. However, as minutes passed her patience was wearing thin. "The GODS FUCK YOU! Orland where are you? Get your ass out here pronto! Don't think this sister will not storm in and drag you out by your pants!" bellowed the woman angrily as she stomped the dirt angrily.

Five and a half feet tall the woman had a slender figure. Like Orland her skin was pale white but her hair burned red like a flame as her eyes glowed with a similar green to Rolland. She stood outside the large building with several undead surrounding a large body of a now dead arachnid making her figure all the more daunting. One could imagine the amount of strength it took to slay the creature it was so massive.

Still waiting outside impatiently, her mouth turned into a crooked smile as Orland walked out of the shadows of the entrance and into the yard, Rolland meekly following behind. He had almost squeaked in fear when he saw the large arachnid and looked at the domineering woman in front of it feeling a sense of familiarity similar to Orland. However, Orland looked completely miserable since informing his master his sister had gone out gallivanting. He was thoroughly 'reeducated' that night and was feeling a mixture of bitterness and anger recalling the cause who now stood before him.

The woman looked at Orland and noticed his complicated look as though he were thoroughly defeated and helpless. "Orland, what the fuck? You look like you've been through hell," she told him sarcastically still pissed at having had to wait.

"Bea..." Orland tried to explain but a creaking of the floorboard behind him made him give up any attempt at forewarning his sister.

Beatrice looked in horror as Aidan stepped out of the shadows wearing his brown leather coat and pants framed by his black cloak. Her mouth hung open as she looked at her master who was here ahead of time. He had already visited and his next scheduled visit wasn't for days. However, she couldn't think of reasons for his visit now and understood she had been caught red handed leaving her post despite his explicit directions not to. The inherent defense mechanism of fight and flight had been thoroughly beaten out of her when Aidan taught her and Orland all those years ago. Wisely giving up, Bea dropped to her knees.

"M-Master, this humble servant greets you," Bea spoke humbly, her voice slightly quivering incapable of suppressing her inherent and warranted fears.

Aidan saw her actions and smile slightly as he walked forward. He looked at the corpse of the arachnid with mild interest and approached its head. With a slight wave of his hand the head spit open with lacerations revealing several bile green sacks within. These were the Forest Stalker's venom glands and were powerful materials required for poison remedies and other uses.

Aidan looked back at Orland and Bea having finished the gland extractions with a devilish smile. "We will continue this at another time. For now, properly instruct your younger brother while I am gone. I will return in five days," Aidan explained and walked away not giving them the chance to explain.

Orland and Bea breathed a sigh of relief as though a calamity had just brushed them by. They looked at Aidan's receding figure with apprehension. Did they really just get off lightly? Was he not going to punish them?

"Fuck that scared me," Bea sighed in relief sensing their master was now outside their hidden camp.

"I thought we were in for another week in hell for sure," Orland mumbled next to Bea.

"Didn't think that man had a heart. Can't believe he is making us watch some new undead. Are we fucking babysitters?" Bea fumed as she thought of how much this degraded her. She was a powerful undead. How could she be relegated to such meagre duties?

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