Chapter 16: Oil and Water

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The gallery of people gathered in the main hall held their collective breath as Narissa walked down. The elegant white gown fluttered slightly and the veil over her face gave her a collective heavenly appearance. Though no one had seen her face, many were convinced of the fact she was indeed a beauty.

"Hehehe. Little pretty, why don't you lift that veil and give us a look?" spoke a large man as he looked Narissa up and down her body with a perverted look when she had reached ground level.

However, Narissa had no time to spare the oaf and ignored him as she continued walking away.

Aidan looked at the foppish oaf with dark eyes. The large man, Gael, was the first son of a minor player in the city. Despite his family's position he had no qualms with throwing his weight around. There was no end to the number of daughters he ruined. Seeing him treat a possession of his with such disrespect filled Aidan with an inner urge to strike out and kill the man then and there.

Gael was an arrogant man. He knew the house rules forbade fighting. However, he thought that simply removing her veil did not constitute any assault and was not defying their rules. Believing he was very clever, he did not hesitate to stick out his hand to grasp at her veil as she walked away.

Snap. "Arghhh!" Gael cried in agony as he grasped at his now broken wrist as he kneeled on the floor.

Narissa was not amused by his actions. In her heart, the only one worthy of touching her was her master. Aidan had believed Narissa was the most normal of his Death Knights but he could not be more wrong. If he knew her inner thoughts, he would have run away long ago.

Narissa was possessed by a fanatical worship of Aidan upon her birth. He was her only master. Only he possessed her. Only he could order her. Only he may touch her. Only he stood at the apex of humanity looking down upon it. Only she saw his greatness. Only she deserved to stand by his side. Only she could touch him. Somewhere along the way that fanatical worship turned towards a dark possessiveness that would frighten any light hearted person to death.

"YOU!" rushed out two guards of Gael when they saw their master had been ruthlessly injured.

"S-She, she hurt me. Durant, seize her. I will personally teach her a lesson," Gael spoke darkly, forgetting himself amidst the pain of his wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?!" spoke an angry voice stopping Durant in his tracks as he prepared to secure Narissa.

Everyone turned to see an enraged Garett standing at the top of the stairs, the First and Second Elders flanking his sides. He knew Narissa's appearance would cause waves. However, never had he suspected someone would be so foolish as to try something so stupid within their hall. Such a blatant act was as good as spitting on the face of the Solace Clan.

"Gael Gilltree, I ask again. What do you think you are doing?!" Garett spoke as he released some pressure from his body.

Garett was a late third stage warrior but he possessed a faint string of natural energy within his body. It was not enough for continuous combat but it was enough to suppress Gael and his second stage guards. Their auction house, which possessed five third stage warriors and a third stage magician were highly respected. Even the major families of the city only possessed, at most, three such individuals.

"E-Elder Garett," Durant spoke with great difficulty as he choked under the pressure of Garett. "Apologies. However this woman has broken your house rules and has injured our young master. We saw fit..." however, Durant did not finish his words.

The Second Elder immediately jumped down to the ground towards Durant and slapped him across the face. The blow was incredibly powerful and Durant was slapped several feet away, falling to the floor before spitting out blood mixed with several of his teeth.

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