Chapter 25: Queen

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"How is it?" Aidan questioned Layla.

"The human troops seem nervous. Many of Sir Gilford's regular soldiers are speaking of fleeing," Layla replied to Aidan.

Aidan sat atop a chair as he scratched his chin in thought. The men numbered far less than theirs. However, that would not stop Kalrun who would undoubtedly believe in the power of their Holy magic. Were his undead the standard kind, Aidan would think along those lines but even his weakest skeletons could take considerable damage from holy magic before succumbing.

"Master?" Orland asked as looked at Aidan.

"Mm. We will leave within the hour. Their forces are tired and divided. We must take the initiative to retreat now before we become encircled," Aidan immediately determined as he nodded his head.

Pulling out a table within his ring, he summoned a map onto it. The map was something he had regularly updated and showed the basin along with the surrounding areas.

"Here," Aidan pointed to the East of their position. "We will need to circle around but this exit will bring us directly in contact with the Arachne forest. Kill nothing unless attacked," Aidan reminded.

"Will the bitch keep her word?" Bea asked unsure having met the Arachne queen years ago.

"She will. If not, kill her and her children. Burn their whole home if you have to," Aidan said simply as he rolled up the map and collected the furniture in his ring. "Spread my orders, we leave within the hour!" Aidan commanded as Orland and Bea kneeled before leaving.

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"Any word on the reinforcements I asked for?" Kalrun spoke to an aid within the tent.

"No Sir. Even if the Church sends reinforcements, we are looking at three days minimum before they arrive," the small man replied.

"Sir!" screamed a soldier as he flew through the flaps of the tent.

"What is it?" – Kalrun.

"Reports from the front. The undead legion is on the stir. Cause is unknown." – Soldier.

"What do you think?" Kalrun spoke to the priest at his side.

"Unknown. However, undead are usually mindless acting in an unorganized matter, completely different from the undead of this legion," the priest spoke his concerns.

"Lich is it?" Kalrun spoke grimly.

"I'm afraid so. Only when in the vicinity of a powerful lich do undead show such organization," the priest nodded.

"Chances of them knowing of the vault?" – Kalrun.

"Slim, is what I would have said. However, the Cursed Flood back in the city leads me to believe that man and the undead legion here may be connected." – Priest.

"They have been her for days ahead of us. What are their chances of having looted everything within?" – Kalrun.

"Without having seen the vault for myself, unknown." – Priest.

"It would probably be in our interest to keep them there until reinforcements come," Kalrun scratched his chin as the priest nodded in agreement.

Time passed and another guard came in.

"Sir. Report from the front. The undead legion is on the move!" the guard reported urgently, awaiting orders.

"Alert Sir Gilford. Organize our fastest men. We need to prevent them from leaving this basin," Kalrun spoke.

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