Chapter 18: Demon's Curse (Part II)

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AN: Kind of a short chapter so will try for another release Sat or Sun.

AN 09/10/16: Updated Chapter.  Going in a different direction with curse.

The Wandering Minstrel. There was no better tavern within the city. Known for its premium selection of alcohol, it was the only establishment bordering the forest that sold Ale from Mount Solace. It was praised by the dwarven emperor himself when ambassadors brought the fabled ale as a gift.

As Aidan had thought, as soon as he walked in, at a corner of the tavern sat the dwarf leader of Crimson Axe. Next to him was the half-orc. The two sat across from one another as their table struggled with the mountain of empty dishes and goblets.

"Moar!" slurred the dwarf, his face flushed from hours of drinking.

Thud! The half-orc who struggled to keep up with his leader's drinking had finally crashed, his head slamming into the table rousing the other patrons into cheers.

"Hahaha! A hundred years too early brat. Tryin ter outdrink a dwarf. Buwahahaha!" Gwandolvir laughed at Breiland's attempts.

Aidan took a table opposite of the two and ordered some food and ale. Seeing the moment was as good as any, he discretely let out the little serpent once again. Drawing blood from the dwarf and half-orc, he corked the two into separate tubes. Under the effects of alcohol, their already failing skills had dulled considerably missing what had happened to them.

Aidan passively observed his surroundings having already noted five people eyeing the duo. Marks family, Greis family, Huir family, Council and city guard were the familiar faces he noted observing the two. Greis family aside, he was surprised to see the Huir family taking interest in this matter. Their matriarch had never shown interest in anything to do with the Demonic Skies Sect before, it was out of character.

As Aidan ruminated over waiting for the two to meet up with their companions or seeking them himself, the final two walked in saving him the trouble. Gathering around a passed out Breiland and drunken leader, the two ordered some meat and mead.

"Shouldn't you wait for later tonight, Leader?" the archer, Ranir asked cheekily.

"Bah! Don't look down on us dwarves lad. This amount could barely be considered wetting my lips," Gwandolvir spoke sloppily as he finished his next ale before ordering another. "Where's the lass and youngin?" he asked looking around.

"Took her out to look at the vendors in the market square," Ranir replied with a wry smile.

"Poor sap. I fear the girl will take him for all he is worth," Karone sighed as he thought of how naïve the child was.

"Lesson needs ta be learned some time. So what if she is a priestess, as much as a viper as any woman. Ow!" complained Gwandolvir who was smacked by the waitress who delivered his drink. "See, vipers the lot of them," he grumbled as he looked at the full bodied woman's behind.

"Not exactly convincing," mumbled Ranir who watched Gwandolvir ogle the help.

"Was' that? Never mind. Maybe we can convince the lad later tonight," Gwandolvir spoke paying no mind to Ranir.

"Marissa not comin?" Karone asked.

"Y'know good as me she never shows up on time. Never seen any woman spend as much time on her looks as her," Gwandolvir bitterly complained as the others chuckled. "Better she's not there when we make the exchange," he quietly followed as the three nodded in understanding.

Hearing their conversation, Aidan understood they would all be gathering tonight. They would also be selling the vault location. It was fortunate he acted today or he would miss his chance altogether. This was the perfect opportunity to strike he had been waiting for.

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