Chapter 26: Return and Uncertainty

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Aidan approached the familiar city from the forest. Having completed his tasks and ordering his undead to lay low until the Church of Lurasha calmed down, he finally set off to return to a home that was in utter chaos.

"Hm?" Aidan questioned as he saw the increased security around the gates.

"Sir Aidan," welcomed a regular soldier who knew of Aidan's identity.

"What's going on?" Aidan asked as he motioned to the increased guard.

"Ah, been in the forest again," the soldier thought aloud. "Dark magician attacked the city," he cautiously informed Aidan in a low voice. "Cursed a lot of people down at The Wandering Minstrel. Church of Lurasha seems to be riled by the matter too. Came back from an expedition in the forest and directly went to the Council. Since then, security's been increased. Had to call up some of the retirees and increase recruitment."

Aidan nodded in understanding and proceeded for his home. It came to no surprise that the city council and the church would react in such a way. It wouldn't take much to link the curse and his undead together given the vault.

The questions he still had were surrounding the matter of the third party who had sent the mage and warriors to attack Narissa. Since his time at the borders of the forest, it was not the only time he had a run in with them. More often than not, they would swoop up items pertaining to the Demonic Skies Sect before he could arrive. This last auction was one of a few times he had been able to up them.

"Aidan!" called out a friendly voice as Aidan was walking past a shop.

Turning, Aidan saw the familiar rotund outline of Don as he bounced down the cobblestone street, his butler not far behind him. Smiling, he stopped and waited for his friend to catch his breath.

"Get back from the forest?" Don asked having regained his wind. Aidan nodded to which Don smiled. "Dad wanted me to bring you as soon as you arrived. Tell me about your journey," Don dragged Aidan without waiting for an answer.

"Forest is restless," Aidan began vaguely.

"Seems the Knights of Lurasha and Sir Gilford came back from the forest suffering heavy casualties," Don informed Aidan.

"So I've heard. Seen the increased security. Any word?" Aidan pried for information.

"Father hasn't told me anything," Don admitted bitterly.

"Must be something major and it isn't like you are known for your abilities of keeping secrets in bed," Aidan cut him in a week place.

"Awe, don't remind me," Don moaned as he recalled an incident the prior spring.

Owing to his increased libido and almost non-existent discretion, he had divulged some secrets of their business losing control of one of their monopolies within the region. It didn't take long to trace the leak to Don who was severely beaten by his grandfather and uncle. Since then, he had to work overtime to regain some of the trust he had within the family.

"So what does your father want?" Aidan changed the topic.

"Ah, Dad needs to take you to Malnara," Don told him what his father had said. "Lots of people being called in by the council."

"Oh?" Aidan was taken aback. It was rare for the council to enact its powers as it usually bickered amongst its three factions.

"Something big is happening, everyone can feel it," Don spoke as he looked at the empty streets they walked which were usually bustling with life.

"Can't blame the people for being vigilant. Attempts on my life aside, it's not like this city is as peaceful as it appears," Aidan smiled ruefully.

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