Chapter 19: Demon's Curse (Part III)

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AN: (09/10/16) updated Chapter since going in a different direction with curse and changing some parts of future plot since I felt some things were missing.

Curse magic was a peculiar branch of dark magic. It could make one man sick with cold for days, giving them the runs, while making another mad in the mind as their skin peeled off in layers revealing their bones. It could corrupt land as much as people making it barren and desolate as the Unending Wastes. It could follow a family line for generations or an entire village turning it to ruin.

Given its chaotic nature, curses were highly feared among the populace. Any found to be under a curse would usually be shunned and noble families did everything in their power to prevent knowledge of them being cursed from being known.

It is for these reasons and more that Aidan spared no expense in concealing his movements and identity. He still had things to accomplish requiring him to live within the city. He looked into the silver bowl, etched by several archaic runes that glowed with a red glow. The contents began to bubble and turned into a dark miasma that bubbled out and onto the floor.

Slowly, dripping with darkness, each splash began to take form. Ten, thirty, fifty, a hundred, soon a thousand small shapes took the form of black rats with red irises. The Cursed Flood. It was an arcane form of curse that took the form of rats. It was used centuries ago to decimate the food provisions of a city prior to an assault on its walls.

Aidan had converted the curse and directed the rats towards those cursed individuals. These rats would go unnoticed and unheeded as they found, surrounded, and swarmed their targets.

"Go," Aidan softly ordered watching as they dissolved from his courtyard. A devilish smile formed on his face as he looked at the red moon within the sky. Tonight was certain to be a bloody affair. Praise the Goddess of Life and Death, Aidan silently prayed within his heart.

### ### ### ### ###

"Gahahaha! Struck it big this time boy!" Gwandolvir laughed heartily as he slapped the shoulder of Marcus who downed his drink in sorrow. His laughs echoed out their private room, reserved for this little party to celebrate their fortune.

Spending the day with Marissa, she quickly left him once they were done. She had been approached by a random man and she happily followed him away as they flirted with one another. How could he not be depressed over this matter?

"Still trying to bed Marissa?" the old vanguard asked with a red face.

"Don't see why. Skinny thing like that. Women should have more meat," commented the half orc Breiland. "Look at my mother. Five times the size of that girl. Nineteen children in eight years. That's a woman," he continued as Ranir and Karone grinned at his words.

Marcus bitterly swallowed their words down with his ale.

"Why bother with her? With the money you've got, you could support dozens of women just as beautiful," the old man continued.

"Karone's right," Ranir followed up his words to lift Marcus' spirit.

Marcus smiled slightly, helped by their words.


Four men came walked into the room, one after the other. By the appearance of their clothes, it was obvious they were from wealthy families. These four men were indeed part of the noble faction of the city council. Possessing deep pockets, they were the first to act upon the location of the vault.

"This is, unexpected," a skinny man hinted as he looked at the other three. He was visibly displeased the dwarf had brought in others. He had expected to control the location for his own.

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