Chapter 14: Auction II

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AN: Had some fun with this chapter.  Hope you like.

"Next up for auction is a saber forged by the dwarven master smith of Mount Solace Gwalyn Ironhand. Our house has appraised the saber as being made from refined iron forged around an earth dragon prime bone core. It's starting bid will be seventy gold pieces," spoke the auction master on stage below.

Aidan looked at the blade with disdain. He had seen this happen several times. This was one of the many failures of the said master smith. The true works of art would never be sold for so little. Mount Solace would take these failures and auction them off in far out lands. The ignorant would snatch these blades up merely because of the attached name.

"Sold for one hundred and thirty gold!" the man said with a happy grin.

"Fools," Don spoke softly when he looked at the happy group who had bought it.

As the young master of a large trading firm, how could he not understand the true value of the weapon or lack thereof?

"Don't mind the business of the ignorant," Aidan replied as Don sighed and shook his head.

Don's father had instilled a kind of business ethic into him from childhood. While they searched for profit, they did not look to deceive their customers to do. He also taught never to search for so great a profit at the expense of the other party. It was for this reason their firm was so highly regarded for their fairness. This kind of reputation could never be bought with gold and it was something they treasured highly.

Aidan felt a nudge at his rib and looked towards Don who wore a grin plastered on his face.

"Look who it is," he spoke with glee as he nudged towards one of the balconies opposite of them.

Aidan looked and saw Kalter.

"I thought he was cut off?" Aidan asked in confusion.

"I thought the same," Don replied.

"He is here as a seller," Lyle replied from next to them.

"Oh. What did he put up for auction?" Aidan asked interestedly.

Seeing Kalter fallen to the point he had to sell off some of those items he purchased due to his father's wealth gave Aidan a sense amusement.

As if sensing the gaze coming from Aidan's box, Kalter turned and looked. His face contorted slightly and Aidan couldn't but feel amused as he returned a malicious smile full of meaning. It hadn't been long since Kalter had tried to have him murdered. Kalter turned away feeling dark in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Don asked seeing the expressions between the two.

"I'll tell you later," Aidan promised.

It would not be proper to explain how Kalter sent assassins given Lyle's presence. The man traded information for coin. Who was to say he was not selling information back to the auction house. Aidan would not trust his loyalties and in understanding, Don did not pursue the matter.

As Don and Aidan were talking as they watched the auction progress, Lyle went to the door and retrieved some papers.

"Is this what Kalter put up for auction?" Aidan asked with mirth as he looked through the list before giving it to Don.

"Yes," Lyle replied before retreating.

"Whistle. Kalter, the arrogant little shit. He rubbed our noses for months when he acquired that goblet made by the artist Glenn Kolith. Now he's selling it. I wonder if we can get it for a lower price?" Don asked with an evil faced grin.

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