Chapter 20: Demon's Curse (Part IV)

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"Marcus, me an you will take point. Guard Gilford while he casts his spells. Ranir, stay back with the lord," Gwandolvir ordered as he and Marcus took the front.

"What are we staying here for?" asked the skinny noble.

Seeing his fellow nobleman killed earlier made him fearful for his life. He was more than ready to escape. His body was littered with wounds from the clawing and biting of the black rats.

"You try to get through that, Rainswolf," Gilford retorted as he nudged towards the see of rats.

Of the fifteen he had overseeing the area and the five he brought as personal guards, only seven had made it to them. The men of Rainswolf, Forlier, and the fat noble, Falsweld, had all but died. They were not as meticulous in their selection believing in the safety behind the city walls, and none survived the initial rat tide.

The black sea of rats came out, seemingly endlessly. The cursed flood truly lived up to its name. It borrowed energy from the caster to make the initial rats. However, the flood grew as the rats infected other rats, incorporating them into their numbers. For a city as large as theirs, the number of rats was truly nothing to scoff at. By the time, the flood reached the store, their numbers were in the thousands.

A blanket of black stared at their group with red eyes. Gilford used the borrowed time to begin his spell. As soon as he began his ritual, the flood screeched and charged their numbers.

"Hmph. Bloody beasts!" Gwandolvir grudgingly muttered as he swung out with his axe, the brand on its head, glowing red.

The axe was a magical item. Its uses were limited but once activated, it would be imbued with flames. The fiery axe swung out killing dozens of rats with each swipe. Forcing their numbers back, they reinforced the other lines attacking the other areas.

Much could be said for the training of Gilford's men and their resources. Each man possessed a magical weapon of their own. Like Gwandolvir, the magic of their weapons extended the range of each of their attack.

The same could not be said for Marcus and Rainswolf who fought with regular weapons. Each swing of their weapons brought little effect. They killed some rats with each swing but more and more got through their defenses.

However, enough time was bought and Gilford finished his chant. The air around them crystalized and their every breath turned to vapor. A field of ice energy spread out with their group at the center. The rat flood froze and halted in their tracks.

"Hahaha," Rainswolf laughed weakly as he fell to his ass. Seeing the sea of rats frozen in place, he had become weak from the sudden wave of relief. "Damn, things!" he cursed as he threw out a kick from his sitting position shattering several bodies of rats.

As Gilford looked at Rainswolf's actions with a grin, he spotted something moving amongst the carpet of rats. Seeing it heading for Rainswolf he cried out.

"Rain...!" Gilford shouted.

However, his warning fell too late. Rainswolf's head turned in confusion to look at Gilford exposing his unprotected neck. A shadowy lump launched itself out of the crowd of rats unnoticed and bit off a large portion of his neck, blood spraying out as he fell over backwards onto the cobblestone.

One of the guards of Gilford struck out with a sword and killed the creature as the others looked around vigilantly. The sea of rats soon became a forest, concealing dangers within. Shadow after shadow shot out from within attacking their group in unexpected directions.

"It's not over, on guard!" Gwandolvir shouted as he swung at two rats who had catapulted themselves at him. "When can you cast your next spell?" he asked Gilford.

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