Chapter 17: Demon's Curse (Part I)

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After breaking up Layla and Narissa who acted like a dragon and tiger fighting over the same mountain top, Aidan did a cursory scan of the items from the auction. A thorough examination, unfortunately, had to be delayed.

There was still the issue of the Crimson Axe mercenary group. Aidan was not certain the mage and those warriors were the end. Even if they were, there was little doubt other parties had set their eyes on the Crimson Axe group. So Aidan got a good night's rest to prepare for the inevitable visit he needed to pay to the members of Crimson Axe.

When Aidan awoke, it was already afternoon. Not finding Layla or Narissa within the main house, he went down to his workshop. As he thought, both women were inside and by the sounds of it, once again arguing with one another.

"Stop. That potion belongs on the second shelf. Are you brain dead? Why are you placing a reagent with combustible materials?" Crash! "How can you be so clumsy? What do you think thumbs are for?" Layla asked sarcastically as she pestered Narissa who was helping to clean the workshop.

"Be quiet or I'll roast you and feed you to the dogs," Narissa mumbled darkly as she cleaned her mistake.

"Roast? A mere fourth stage warrior thinks to pluck me? Hah! Laughable! A lowly servant like you isn't fit to so much as touch this one's feathers," Layla mocked with a degrading tone.

"Enough you two," Aidan spoke for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, Darling."

"Yes, Master."

Speaking at the same time, the two instantly glared at one another as silent sparks flashed between their eyes. Seeing this Aidan sighed as he rubbed his temples.

Aidan frowned inwardly. He could not understand how people could get on one another's bad side in no less than a minute after they met. Narissa aside, Layla had always been a well behaved companion of his and had never treated the others like this. Although she did not like being around Rolland, Aidan had to admit the child had that effect on everyone.


"Master," Narissa replied as she got up, a feeling of victory in her voice only noted by Layla who seethed.

Aidan pulled out several old books and presented them to her.

"This is?"

"These are martial skill manuals. The skills of the previous owner of your body were highly lacking. You only killed your opponents the other night using the raw power of your cultivation," Aidan directly told her his opinion of her fight the other night.

Narissa looked crestfallen over his critical words but understood he was right. She had indeed relied on the sole power of her cultivation to overpower her opponents. If she had fought with someone of the same rank, she was more likely to fail.

"The manuals show some basic forms in unarmed and sword combat. The final book with the blue cover is a sword manual. The cover has degraded so the name cannot be made out but the manual itself is still intact. I do not practice martial arts so I cannot grade it but I believe it should not be mediocre, I... I sense something profound within it. Read it now and in a week's time I will bring you to stay with your siblings."

Narissa silently agreed. After the events at the auction, she was in the sight of many powers. For her master who valued anonymity and secrecy to a certain extent, her presence would risk making him the focus of all those eyes. She would not hinder her master in such a way.

Aidan dismissed Narissa and Layla. He still had the matters of Crimson Axe to attend to tonight and needed to make preparations. By now, they would have received payment for their lots and undoubtedly celebrating their good fortune.

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