Chapter Four

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Pete's POV

FUCK! How did I let myself slip? Why did I agree to stay with Patrick? Fuck my life, now he fucking knows and he'll be all over me and won't leave me alone.

What am I saying? I want help, don't I? I can't even think straight UGH! I could just jump out the window right now and end it all. No Pete shut the fuck up. You're okay and you will be fine, Patrick will take good care of you everything will be fine.

Patrick came back into the room about ten minutes later with tear stained cheeks. Why do I have to make him cry? I'm a horrible person.

"I'm so sorry Patrick" I say on the verge of tears myself. "No Pete, I'm sorry. I've been the worst friend ever" Patrick said letting more tears slip from his eyes.

Should I call the cops? No I don't want my dad to go to jail because then no one will take care of me. I'll be all by myself probably out on the street somewhere.

I must have been thinking for a while because Patrick was snapping his fingers in front of my face to get my attention. "W-will you call the cops?" He asked sternly. I shook my head in reply. "I know you don't really have anyone else to tell dude- but you have to tell the cops" God why is he always right? He's so fucking smart and hot at the same time. God dammit Pete shut up. Did I just refer to myself in third person? Oh well.

"N-no" I tried to play it off as if I was in shock that he said that. "Pete, it's child abuse" he said quietly so no one would hear. "No it was only once, he won't do it again" I lied. "Once a beater, always a beater Pete. You have to do something about it now before it gets out of hand" it already is out of hand "just give me time" I said avoiding eye contact.

He nodded and sat down on the bed next to me. I lay down in the bed and pulled the covers over me as I stared into space. Patrick must have lay down as well and turned off the lights because when I snapped back into reality, it was dark and his hand was cupping my face.

"Pete, you asleep?" He whisper. "Nope, what time is it?" I replied in a barely audible voice, I'm surprised Patrick even heard me. "Like two" "oh and why are you touching my face?" Damn I must have been in my own little world for hours.

"eh- I don't know exactly" Patrick replied chuckling quietly. "oh okay" i said joining in with his laughter. "are you just going to leave your hand there?"

"yep" he said popping the p

I turned over in the bed so I was facing Patrick and then I realized we were in the same bed, one of us usually sleeps on the floor. I felt my face heat up and since it was dark, Patrick probably didn't see. "why are we both sleeping in the bed?"

"Eh- I don't know, I didn't realise. Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" Patrick questioned. "No it's okay" I replied politely. "Good 'cause I ain't moving" He snickered which made me smile.

"Goodnight Trick" "Goodnight Pete" there was a long silence before Patrick spoke again "I love you" "em- uh" "just remember that" Patrick added. I waited to reply ad I was trying to figure out what to say.

"Wait- you what?" I say confused, just to make sure I didn't hear Patrick wrong. He could've said I hate you. Which would be understandable.

"I uh- I love you Pete" "okay- I love you too" I replied hoping that I didn't hear him wrong a second time.

"In what way do you love me?" Oh god why did he ask me this, I don't even know the answer myself. Well fuck me I've been just lying here looking at his beautiful eyes shine in the light from the streetlights coming from the window.

I haven't even opened my mouth yet he must think I hate him. And that's when I realised I love Patrick Stump.

"Because I think I love you not just like a friend, but more" Patrick said moving closer to me.

"Patrick I- I think I love you as more than a friend as well" I replied starting to get nervous. My palms began to sweat and I started shaking slightly as Patrick's face inched closer to mine.

"So are we doing this?" He asked "I guess if you want to then we can-" I was cut off by Patrick's lips smashing into mine. Where did all this confidence come from? I used to be the confident one and Patrick used to be the quiet one that stuttered when you talked to him and now it's the other way around. What the fuck is going on?

I kissed Patrick back after a while, it took my body longer than it should have to realise what he was doing. Patrick pulled his hands up and put them around my neck and I put mine on his waist, even though we were lying down.

I swiped my tongue on his bottom lip and he immediately granted me access for my tongue to go into his mouth. He didn't even fight for dominance he just gave it to me. Looks like I'm going to top, no stop it Pete.

We made out for a while and if I'm brutally honest I'm not sure how long it lasted because it went by so fast. After we pulled apart we both stared at eachother. Patrick smiled at me and said "you don't understand how long I've waited to do that"

I smirked at his comment. "Patrick will you be my boyfriend?"


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