Chapter Nine

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Patrick's POV

Me and Pete had been dating for a few months now and Pete had been living with me since he got kicked out. My parents were back from their trip now and it was getting harder and harder to try and hide our relationship from them. I don't want to know what they would do if they found out that I was gay and dating my best friend.

Pete was also been four months since Pete had stopped cutting. I have to say I was very proud of my boyfriend.

I liked to show him off in front of our friends as well. It was fun at first but then one by one all of them got together. I had a feeling it was a secret plan to get revenge on me and Pete for making out in front of them a couple times, but then they started to make out among themselves and I don't think any of our friends would put that much effort into a plan.

The bullying also died down for me along with Pete's popularity. Although I'm sure he didn't want to be popular in the first place he was just really good a soccer until he stopped playing. Most of his 'friends' from the soccer team had left him alone and at the same time my bullies left me alone. It's probably just a coincidence though.

"Hey Trick" Pete said coming into our bedroom. I think I could get used to calling it that.

"Hi" I replied. Wrapping my arms around Pete's neck and he placed his around my waist.

"We need to do homework" he frowned.

"I was going to start when you came in" I leaned in and touched our foreheads together.

"Will you help me?" Pete asked leaning closer so that our lips were millimetres apart.

"Sure" I answered smiling and closing my eyes.

I took my hands from around Pete's neck and moved away, slowly opening my eyes. I sat down on my bed and took some of my books out. Pete stood in the same spot for a few seconds before sitting on the bed next to me.

"You're such a tease" he sighed.

"We can't get distracted we have to do homework" I answered truthfully.

"Or we could just make out" Pete exclaimed.

"As best friend and boyfriend I must fulfill my duties as both. So making sure you're doing your homework and then satisfying your sexual needs" I winked at Pete and he laughed.

Me and Pete hadn't actually gone that far yet. We're made out a lot and we've seen each other naked, but that's where the best friend part of us kicks in.

I love Pete. I really do. But when you're both a best friend and a boyfriend it's kind of hard at times. Like sometimes I want to be ablr to laugh with my boyfriend and other times I just want to share a bed with my best friend.

"God I'm so lucky to have the best mom in the world" he mumbled. After that it fell almost silent, except for the rustling of papers while we rooted for out homewrok assignments and then I finally decided to speak up.

"Get a man who can do both" immediately me and Pete fell into a fit of giggles for a while until we actually began to do our work.

When we were finished our homework we went downstairs to watch tv. Forgetting my parents were home, I had myself cuddled up to Pete and when my dad walked into the room he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" He questioned.

"Sorry Mr. Stumph, Patrick just got cold" Pete replied saving my ass.

"Why didn't you put on a sweatshirt son?" He pressed. Why does he have to question everything I do?

"Too lazy" I said snuggling further into Pete. My dad walked off into different room and didn't say another word.

"That was close" Pete whispered in my ear. "Oops" I giggled. "I actually am kind of cold now that you mention it"

"At least we don't have to lie to your mom if she comes in"

We were called for dinner about twn minutes later and we were informed that my parents were going on another business trip for three weeks over dinner. I sat there awkwardly playing with my food.

When I looked up from my plate I had met Pete's gaze and he winked at me. I blushed and looked down straight away hoping no one noticed.


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