Chapter Six

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Pete's POV

I went into school the next morning and nothing really happened until lunch. Brendon and Ryan had a fight and broke up, shit went down.

Ryan accused Brendon of cheating, again. Which I hoped wasn't true. I knew Brendon was a man whore, but he always had a thing for Ryan.

They were full on screaming at each other, which got the whole cafeteria's attention. I had to get out quick.

I felt like such a dick to my friends, I acted like I didn't know them in school so my reputation wouldn't be brought down. I don't realy care what others think though, so why do I care what they think about my friends.

Maybe I know deep down that the guys on my soccer team will beat me up. They're all way bigger than me. I have practice today after school, I think I'm going to quit the team, so I'll get that over with.

Later during the day I decided that I wasn't going to bother quitting the soccer team, I just wouldn't show up instead. I also decided I betted go home so my dad wouldn't get really angry.

When I got home my dad was passed out in his room. I actually felt really bad leaving him. I should probably do something about his drinking, his health is going to get much worse and fhe more he drinks, the more he hurts me.

What am I saying he did this to himself, he fucking deserves it. I hope he dies in a fire or some shit. And I deserve all the abuse, every single bit. I'm such a worthless piece of shit.

I was snapped out of my thoughts but my phone buzzing, I just received a text from Patrick. We continued to talk for thirty minutes until my dad slammed his bedroom door shut and shouted my name from down the hall.

I groaned and got up, I knew exactly whst was coming. I opened the door to my bedroom and slowly made mty way towards my dad. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and through me back in to the floor.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and attempted to get up. Unfortunately my dad pushed my back down and got on top of me. "You never fight back, why are you even here? You're fucking goth" he spat.

First of all he wasn't even drunk and second I'm emo not goth theres a fucking difference. What the fuck us wrong with my so called father?

"When will you learn that you can't let people push you around?" He whispered. He doesn't even care so why is he saying this.

"SPEAK YOU FUCKING FAGGOT" he shouted. That's it I'm done. I pushed my dad off of my and got on top of him instead.

"Now you listen and you listen good, I'm not goth, I'm emo, yes I am gay and there's going to be no more of you drinking, pushing me around and calling me god awful names, ya hear?" I said calmly.

My dad didn't reply for a few minutes he just stared at me while I held him down. I finally got up and went into my bedroom. I slammed the door and fell on to my bed. What the fuvk did I just do?

Soon after there was a gentle knock on my door. "Come in" I said. He walked through the door and sat at the end of my bed.

"I didn't know you felt that way" he said barely audible. "Well I do" I snapped. "Ever since mom died you've only been sober a few times, you always blame me for everything and I'm not sure if you know what you're doing half the time but you fucking abuse me, you don't care enough to see how depressed I am and yes I am a 'faggot'" I retorted honestlyusing finger gestures on 'faggot'.

"I'm sorry Peter" he replied still looking down. "Pete and you are?" I said too quickly sounding surprised. "But I think it wpuldd be best if you left" he continued as he stood up and walked away.

"But dad where the hell am I supposed to go? Why do you hate me so much? Why do you treat me like shit? Why don't you just-" he turned on his heels so quickly and basically sprinted over to me. "When you wake up you're going to pack you shitty things and leave this house and get out of my shitty life, I don't give a fuck what happens to you just fuck off"

That's all I remember, he punched me amd actually knocked me out. I'm awake now and it's dark outside. I decided to take a shower. When I finished I packet everything I owned and I left that house for good making sure ti slam the door to my way out.

Where do I go now? Then I remembered I was talking to Patrick I'll check my messages. I saw one that said:

From Patrick:
goodnight I love you (:

Shit he must think I don't love him. I'll call him. I dialed his number quickly and when he didn't pick up after three rings, I began ti get nervous. I then realised it's probably two in the morning. Fuck.

"Hello?" Patrick said groggily.

"Hey Trivk did I wake you?"

"Yeah but it's okay"

"Can I come over?"

"It's like two thirty Pete, really?"

"No it's okay i'll let you sleep"

"Okay goodnight Pete"

"I love you Trick"

"I love you too"

I hung up and began walking to Brendon's house. Hopefully he'll be awake.


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Bye hoes!!

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