Chapter Eighteen

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Patrick's POV

Why did I do that? I could've just gooten my boyfriend back, but no. Instead my mouth doesn't let my brain think and I had to be a douche.

I walked out of the library and into the cafeteria. I sat down at my 'friends' table, hoping I wouldn't get too much attention.

Ryan smiled at me. He thought I was going through with his plan. But no I was going through with my plan.

Step one, get Pete's attention.
Step two, stop being a dick and apologise again.
Step three, well that hasn't come to mind yet but I'm working on it.

Ryan was looking at Pete, thinking that his plan was working, well technically it was. Mine was too though. I just had to do something crazy to get Pete's attention.

No one was talking at the table, it seemed so awkward. Everyone was either fake coughing or staring at me. It was getting to the point where I was so uncomfortable.

"What?" I snapeed.

"Stop being an asshole to Pete." Brendon sassed back.

"You don't even know what happened so stay the fuck out of this Bren." I answered.

"Well why don't you tell us what the fuck happened?" He pushed.

"Why do you want to know? It has nothing to do with any of you."

"Can't you see, don't you know why our group is sitting in awkward silence? Why no one is talking? Why there's so much tension? After you stormed off earlier, everyone got into a stupid argument and now half of us are betting Pete started it and the other half thinks it was mutual. Don't you dare tell me this has nothing to do with us, because it has everything to do with us and our whole squad is going to go to flames if you and Pete don't fix whatever this shit is." He yelled and stormed off.

Well it looks like that got Pete's attention. He's now starting me down. In fact the whole school is, except for my 'friends', they abandoned me once again.

I sat on the chair, not moving a muscle. I was staring at Pete and he was staring right back.

No one moved, no one spoke, nothing happened until a teacher wanted to know what was going on. Everyone evacuated the cafeteria after the bell rang, except for me and Pete.

I stood up and walked off not looking back once. Why do I always ruin my chances to get him back? It could've been so easy. Now I have to come up with a new plan.

I walked straight out of school even though I still had classes, I didn't care. I was heading the most secluded place I knew of. The abandoned mall that was on the outskirts of town.

Luckily I had money with me thanks to my parents. I bought some snacks in the store and got on the bus that would bring me closest to my destination.

When I hopped off the bus I casually walked in the direction of the mall. I climbed through the broken fence and hopped a wall. I basically sprinted across the parking lot. When I got inside I went for my favourite spot in the whole building, the rooftop garden.

Me and my 'friends' hid some drugs around the mall, I just decided on a pack of cigarettes and navigated my way through various stores and entrances to the garden.

I'm pretty sure no one I knew had discovered this place and the only person I had shown was Pete, but I knew I wouldn't see him here. I only brought him here once so I don't think he would have remembered anyways.

I got on to the roof and settled under the little shelter I made a while back. I spent so many nights up here it was unbelievable.

I took a cigarette out of the box and lit it. It felt so good, I haven't had one in a few weeks. I don't usually smoke, I just felt like it today and I didn't really want to do heavy drugs anyways.

I was almost done with my cigarette and my phone started to buzz. I didn't realise what time it was but it was dark. I looked at my phone and saw it was Pete calling me. What does he want? I thought to myself and answered it with caution.

"H-hello?" I said quietly.

"Pattycakes, I just called to tell you that I love you." He slurred.

"You're drunk aren't you?" I asked.

"No. Maybe. Yes."

"Goddammit Pete. Why?"

"Because I love you and I can't have you but this is also an excuse to get away from my dad. Hey did I tell you he tried to have sex with me? Man, I just wanted him to be you so badly. Don't worry though, I kicked him off and he left."

"P-Pete, y-you need to, to call the cops, n-now." I stuttered sternly.

"No." He said carrying out the 'o' "They'll catch me for drinking and I don't want to go to jail."

"P-Pete you need to-"

"I just want to lay with my boyfriend and make him happy again." He said and suddenly I got jealous. How could he move on that quick? "You know, I really miss my Patrick and I bet he misses me, maybe I should go find him."

I sighed in relief, at least he hasn't moved on yet. But he wants to find me? Oh no. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh, well I'n going to do it anyway. Oh and one more thing? Don't tell Patrick about this conversation."

And with that he hung up leaving me alone with my thoughts, I hope he doesn't get hurt trying to find me.


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Bye hoes!!

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