Chapter Seventeen

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Again Pete's POV

I walked into my Math class when the bell rang. I sat in the corner as always. This time Jason and a of the other guys sat down with me. It's good to know that we're on good terms now. I wonder what Brendon will think. I shouldn't say that. He's probably never going to talk to me again after what happened between Patrick and I.

I didn't pay any attention in class, like always. When lunch came around I sat in the cafeteria with the soccer team. It felt good to have a distraction for a while.

None of them were technically my friends, but they're all I had right now. If I stuck with these guys, I should be fine.

I has a feeling that someone was staring at me, I looked around the cafeteria to find who it was until my eyes landed on Brendon. He glared at me and turned around. I saw Ryan get up and walk out of the cafeteria, where is he going?

My curiosity got the better of me and I got up to trace him.

"Pete, where you going man?" Bob asks.

"Uh-" think of something quick Pete. "Bathroom, be right back." He nodded and I sighed in relief.

I followed Ryan down the hall. I saw him entre the library and I heard him speaking. I couldn't make out what it was until he shouted.

"PATRICK!" He yelled, which to be honest he scared the shit out of me. I didn't know Ryan could be that loud.

I crept in further, trying to listen to their conversation. They were talking about me, they want me to talk to them. Maybe Patrick didn't tell them what happened.

I zoned out thinking of Patrick for a few seconds until someone bumped into me. Ryan.

"Oh sor- Pete?"

"Y-yeah." I replied.

"You okay man?" I nodded. "Listen I don't know what happened between you and Patrick but can you jus-" His expression turned angry. "Can't you see that our friends are all fighting, trying to solve your problems for you? You need to do something, apologise, talk to someone, I don't care what you do but don't be a fucking prick and let everything get ruined."

Wow. Ryan stomped out of the library. Maybe I should fix things.

I searched for Patrick trying to figure out what direction Ryan came from. I eventually found him sitting in the corner lost in a book. I took a deep breath and approached him. I slowly pulled the book out of his grasp. He looked up at me, I could see his face now. He was crying.

"Hey Trick." I said softly but he didn't reply. I pulled him towards me for a hug. He clung on to my shirt and cried for a while, letting it all out. I just sat there and rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry I said all those mean things." He whispered.

"It's okay." I replied.

"Not it's not, I could see how hurt you were. I don't know what came over me. I'm really sorry Pete." He started to cry again.

"I forgive you. And do you no why I forgive you?" He shook his head. "Because not matter how many times you hurt me, I'll always love you. I love the way you hurt me." (A/N: honestly didn't mean to do that.....sorry not sorry)

I felt him laugh lightly and he finally looked up. He saw some of the bruises around my face and his face went to pure shock. I'm surprised no one else said anything.

"Your dad?" He asked and I nodded. "I haven't seen some you with some of those for a long time."

"It's okay though, I'm fine as long as I have you." I smiled.

"You're so cheesy."

"Am I forgiven too?" I asksd hopefully. He sighed and shook his head. "I love you Pete, I really do but I don't want this to happen again."

"Okay, whatever makes you happy." I frowned. And with that I walked off back to Jason, Bob and the other guys. This was just going to get harder.

After school I didn't go home, I went straight to the bar. It was only three and I'm underage but fuck it, no one will care anyways.


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Bye hoes!!

Civil War {Peterick}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora