Chapter Fifteen

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Still Pete's POV

"Finally come to your senses?" My father spits, I could smell the alcohol off of him. How much has he been drinking? I thought he would sober up after last time.

"I'm sorry dad, I should have listened to you." I replied.

"That's right, you should have." He says harshly.

"C-can I come in?" I asked.

"That depends."

"On what?"

"Still have that boyfriend?"

Do I? Well after that I don't think Patrick wants me. I shake my head as a reply. He steps out of the way and allows me back into my old house. Well I better get used to the beatings again.

Patrick's POV

What have I done? What if Pete goes out and does something? No I don't care, he hurt me.

I ran upstairs into my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I put my back to the door and let sobs take over my body. I slid down the door and within minutes, my face is drenched with tears. I can already feel the migraine coming.

I woke up on my bathroom floor, my head leaning against the door. My head hurts so much, it feels even worse than a hangover. My eyes feel crusty with the tears from last night's events.

I pick up my phone to see what time it is. Six AM, well I might as well take a long shower if I'm going to school.

I get up slowly and look at myself in the mirror. I had tear stained cheeks and dark circles under my eyes.

I strip down and get into the shower. I let the hot water trail down my body. I felt sort of relieved after my shower, I felt clean and slightly happier.

I skipped breakfast and decided to head straight to school. I was probably going to walk the long way and keep my pace slow. I should definitely be to school on time. It starts at eight thirty and it is now seven forty five.

I walk through the school gates, I got everything I needed from my locker and headed out to the back of the school to join my friends. They were all there, except for Pete.

"Hey Patrick- woah are you okay?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, you don't look too good bro, where's Pete?" Brendon questions.

"Holy shit man, what the fuck happened?" That question was from Gerard.

"Stop with the questions, one at a time, my fucking head hurts." I replied. "Joe, I'm fine, Brendon, I couldn't give a shit if I wanted to and Gerard, I don't want to talk about it." I huffed.

"What do you mean you couldn't give two shits if you wanted to as to where Pete is? WHAT IF HE'S- you know?" Brendon whispered the last bit.

"I don't care anymore, I'm sure he's fine." I said calmly. I may look calm (kind of) on the outside, but everything was hurting really badly, especially my chest. I felt like there was something pushing against my body and trying to sufficate me.

I walked away from my friends without saying another word. I had to get my mind off things and school didn't really help that.

I got into class and took my usual seat in the back corner. I went on my phone, scrolling on tumblr until the bell rang.

By that time, the whole class had shown up and I didn't even notice. The seat next to me was empty, of course. It seemed like all my friends already had Pete's back in our 'argument.' I'm the one being ditched here. Let's face it, I don't actually have any friends. They were all just Pete's friends that hung out with me just because me and Pete were best friends.

I wasn't able to pay attention in class. The only thing that was on my mind was how alone I really was.

By the time lunch came around I sat in the library. It was quiet and no one was really in there, I could just pick up a book and read. I was lost in a book for a while until I heard someone calling my name.

"Patrick." I didn't answer or even look up.

"Patrick." Maybe if I ignore him long enough, he'll go away.

"PATRICK!" He shouted.

"God Ryan." I said covering my ears as he shouted. "I didn't think you could be that loud. Anyways what do you want?"

"I came to check on you-"

"What are you really doing here?"

"So you know the way you said you couldn't care less where Pete was?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Well I know you care, you're just hurt. I don't know what happened and it's not that I don't care I just don't want to be in your business but-" he cut himself off so he could find the words. "Pete's in the cafeteria, sitting with his old friends and ignoring all of us, so we were wondering maybe if you came into the cafeteria with me and sit with the guys he might, I don't know, talk to us."

"I highly doubt that Ryan, sorry I can't help you. And why did they send you to come after me?"

"Well, Brendon is a little pissed at you, but he's also pissed at Pete. Gerard and Joe thought you were going to snap and the others were scared in case you freaked out or something and I thought, since we're somewhat close that you wouldn't run away from me. Plus I was the only one who knew where you would be." He said.

"Okay, bye." I went back to reading my book. I heard him sigh and walk out. I was finally alone.


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Bye hoes!!

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