Chapter Eight

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Pete's POV

Patrick and I were making out on his couch and I have to say out of every good thing that has happened to me this week, this has been the best by a long shot. I didn't want it to end. Patrick had this thing about him, he made me feel so safe and he made me forget about everything thing else going on in the world around us and everything in my head disappear. I love that feeling so much.

I felt so content then and there, with Patrick's lips pushing against mine. With my tongue down his throat. I know it sounds gross but don't 'knock it 'til you try it' am I right?

There were some noises coming from what sounded like somewhere in Patrick's house but I'm sure it's just the wind or something. Well I was wrong because both me and Patrick jumped apart when we heard a gasp.

I kep facing the opposite direction to where the gasp came from. If it was Patrick's parents I didn't want them to see me yet.

I looked at Patrick to try and figure out who it was from his reaction. He wasn't relieved in any way shape or form so it must be his mom or something. But wait they're supposed to be on a business trip.

"K-Kevin, w-what a-are y-you doing here" Patrick stuttered.

"I came here to check up on you, uh who's this?" Patrick's brother questioned.

Well shit, I'm going to have to embarrass both me and Patrick now.

"Turn around" Patrick whispered to me.

I did as I was told and turned to face Kevin. He was kind of awestruck anyways, but when he saw me I thought he was about to faint. Patrick nust have told his brother he was gay right? Right.

"Why were you and Pete just making out?" Kevin said after about a minute of silence.

Patrick stood up and walked towards his older brother. He put his hands on his shoulders and looked up at him.

"Because I'm gay and Pete's my boyfriend" Patrick said without one single expression on his face.

"You're gay" Kevin repeated and Patrick nodded.

"And you're gay" he said pointing a finger in my direction.

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p'

"And you're dating each other?" Me and Patrick nodded at the same time.

"Okay" Kevin said happily as if nothing happened. Well at least he's cool with it. I guess Patrick never came out to his brother. I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite though because I never came out to my sister Hillary, but I did come out to my dad.

I started to think about what my dad did to me until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Patrick clapping his hands in my face. I looked at Patrick and blinked twice. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was about to kiss him when Kevin made an awkward cough to let us know that he was still in the room. Patrick glared at him and I just laughed to myself.

"So am I just going to stand here and watch you two make out or are you going to make me dinner?" Kevin questioned.

"No you can watch us make out because you just interrupted us and now you're being rude saying I have to make you dinner. You're a grown man do it yourself, God" Patrick joked and got up to go into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" He shouted into us.

"Spaghetti" Kevin shouted back.

I didn't say anything, I just sat on the couch awkwardly while Kevin turned on the tv. I eventually got off the couch to go and see what Patrick was doing.

As Kevin wanted, Patrick was making spaghetti. He didn't hear me come in so I snuck up on him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

"Hey" I whispered in his ear.

"Hi" he replied.

"Did I scare you?" i asked

"Nope, I saw you out of the corner of my eye" he giggled and turned around in my arms. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips.

Kevin, Patrick and I all had dinner and had a great time talking to each other, catching up and laughing. Patrick's brother is actually a great guy, he even said he wouldn't tell their parents about us.

When Kevin left, me and Patrick cuddled on the couch for a bit until he fell asleep. I brought him upstairs to his bedroom and let him sleep. I decided that I had to go to sleep as we'll since we had school in the morning.


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