Chapter Sixteen

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Pete's POV

I went up to my room an realised I had no clothes or anything with me. They were all at Patrick's house. Fuck.

I must have spares somewhere. I looked around my empty closet. I searched in all the boxes I had. I looked under my bed. I did eventually find some underwear and a few shirts. That'll do for now.

I heard the door bust open behind me I knew what was going to happen.

"I need to teach you a lesson. You can't just crawl back to me when your boyfriend breaks up with you." My dad slurred. I knew he was drunk, even though he said he'd get help.

"I broke up with him actually." I mumbled, slapping my hand over my mouth once I spoke. I shouldn't have said that.

"Why, what did he do to you?" He said sarcastically, I've always known he didn't actually care. Ever.

"He was being a dick." I replied quietly. I feel bad about saying that about Patrick. He's not a dick, he can be annoying sometimes, but that's only because I get irritated easily. Patrick is ligit the cutest and kindest guy ever. Why did I come back here again? Why did I leave my Pattycakes? He wouldn't want me anyway, no turning back now.

"Well anyways you're not aloud to just come back into my house and pretend like nothing happened. Am I understand?" I nodded. "Great." He flashed an evil smile and walked towards me.

I didn't even bother moving, it will only make things more difficult and painful. I just have to let it happen, no fighting back, no noises, nothing.

He threw a punch at my jaw, which made me stumble back. He swept my legs from underneath me so I was on the floor. Punches were thrown at my face and stomach. I got kicks to my ribs and he stomped down on my nose. Luckily he didn't break anything, just maybe a few bruises.

I woke up at four in the morning. There was no point in me trying to sleep. I walked to the bathroom and took a long shower. While the water was pouring down my body, I noticed a razor that I kept there, for when I needed to get my emotions out. Now feels like a good time, but I've been clean for so long, I can't do it now. Fuck it.

I dragged the blade along my wrists and theighs, making small lines. The blood came out slowly. It felt good to be doing this again, it felt like all my sadness was gone for a while, all my anger had been in my blood that in now trailing down my body.

I washed myself off and went back into my bedroom. It was five thirty now, that was possibly the longest shower I've ever had.

I put on clean clothes and messed around my bedroom for a while.

I began to feel tired again, so I curled up on my bed to take a nap. When I woke again it was ten fifteen. Shit, late for school again.

I got up grabbing my bag and walked to school. It would only take me twenty minutes so I didn't walk fast, if I was going to be late I might as well not look sweaty.

When I arrived at the front gates, I debated whether or not I was going to skip. I ended up walking in anyways since I was already there.

My third period was already going on. I decided to sit at my locker until it was time for Math. Good thing Patrick wasn't in that class.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me in the hallway. I hadn't really noticed if they went by or not. I looked up and my eyes were met with Jason's. He was one of my jock friends from the soccer team.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here Petey? Why are you skipping class? Shouldn't you be making out in the corner with your boyfriend?" He smirked.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I replied grumpily.

"So you're not gay now?" He questioned.

"I was never gay."

"Then why did you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm bi, which doesn't mean I'm gay. Doesn't mean I'm straight either."

"Oh." He said and I nodded. "I can get you back on the soccer team if you want man."

"Nah, but can I sit with you guys at lunch?"

"Sure, listen I'm sorry about you boyfr-, ex boyfriend. And I'm sorry I teased you. You're still probably the most genuine guy in the whole school."

"It's okay and there are better people in this place than me, trust me I know at least ten." I laughed.

"Friends?" He held out his hand for me.

"Friends." I replied shaking his hand. "See you at lunch."

And with that he walked off. At least now I can rebuild my reputation. I can get a few girls here and there. And Jason, he might be my only friend right now.


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Bye hoes!!

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