Chapter Six

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Lauren's POV

Dinah and Camila came home at about six. They are being all giggly and weird. Both of them keep showing each other something on their phones.

"So where have you two been all day?"

"None yeah." Dinah said.

"Ok, I was just asking a question." I turned my attention to the TV that was playing.

"You two are in so much trouble!" Ally shouted as she walked into the living room wearing her apron and holding a spatula in her hand.

"We didn't do anything wrong." Camila wined. I chuckled as Ally got on their case about not telling her about their where abouts.

"Now tell me where you two have been all day?" Ally scolded. Camila stood up with her phone in her hands and showed her something.

"Oh. Ok, but next time you two better tell me first." Ally ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Dinah saluted. I rolled my eyes at her humor. Both sat back on the couch going through their phones.

"Hey should I text her." Camila whispered.

"How did you get her number?" Dinah whispered back. Who the heck are they talking about? Ok I don't even want to know, it's Dinah and Camila, no one ever knows what they are up to. I put my earbuds in and played some random music. Normani came down and started to converse with the girls. Again they show something to her that some reason they won't show me. It erks me that they are keeping something from me. We are suppose to share everything together, no secrets.

"Children dinner's ready." Ally called from the kitchen.

"So how was everyone's day?" Camila asked.

"Fine. How about you? Gonna share what you did today?" I was a little upset about the whole deal and I have no clue why?

"Nothing, just hung out with DJ." She replied. I quietly finished up my dinner, and headed to my room. I face-plant onto my bed. I flip onto my back, and look at the ceiling. Well I guess I'm going to starbucks. I go down stairs to see the four of them crowding around Camila and Dinah's phone. They don't even know that I left. I walk to the closest starbucks. I enter the small shop, being bombarded with the smell of coffee. Midnight and I'm here getting coffee. Ordering my usual, I go sit in a booth and ponder. I hear the small chime of a bell, signaling a customer. It is Y/N. She is carrying her beige bag, which I assume has a computer and her camera in it. She orders then sits on the other side of the small shop. I don't even think she acknowledged me at all. My eyes skim over her, watching her as she pulls out a laptop, camera, and a USB cord. She plugs her camera into the laptop and is away looking at whatever she may have captured on her camera. Something about her just attracted me to her. It's like she's a refrigerator and I am a magnat, looking for a home. Ok that's a bad analogy but that's all I got. She looks a little glum. I pick up my coffee and sit at her table. She must have notice my presents as she looked over her computer screen to see me.

"Hi." She rasped. It sounds like music. Oh come on Lauren you don't even know her, all you did was have a small conversation with her.

"Hi." My voice sounded tiny.

"You're here awfully late." She said while raising an eyebrow. How is that so fucking attractive?

"Well I can be saying the same about you." She chuckled in response.

"Yeah, I guess the smell of coffee just eases my soul." I smiled in response.

"How's it going with your photography?"

"Pretty good actually, here you can look at some pictures that I took today." She said. I moved into the booth with her.

"I like to look over my pictures a few times, and see things that I could change to make my future pictures look better." Y/N stated. I was astound with the pictures. She knew how to capture one thing, but have a million meanings behind it.

"I usually don't show anyone my work. I hate being scrutinized." She commented.

"I think your work is astonishing." I meant it in all honesty.

"Thanks." She smiled. I felt my heart melt at the gesture. She started to pack up her belongings, but I want her to stay longer. I feel like I could talk to her for hours on end.

"I have early class tomorrow. Which was sort of stupid of me to come here at midnight and buy coffee." She noted. I smiled at her.

"Maybe I'll see you around." She stated. I stood along with her. She was taller, but not too much taller than me. I felt myself reach out and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder, giving her a tight hug. I felt her recuperate, which made me smile. I most definetly look like an idiot. I noticed that I was still hugging her and stepped away slowly feeling bashful.

"I'll see you around... Lauren right?"


"Ok, have a good rest of your night Lauren." Y/N added.

"You too." I watched her walk out the door and going the opposite direction of the girls and I's house. Picking up my coffee I made my way home. Walking in the house the girls are all cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Guess they didn't know I left. I grab some sleep wear and head for the shower. I like to take cold showers, feels freeing and relaxing. Chilled water runs down my body as I lather shampoo into my hair. My mind wanders and I feel different, some kind of an emotion that I just can't understand.

Chapter 6! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Good chapter?!


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