Chapter Seven

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Your POV

I really regret drinking that coffee last night, but I don't regret going there. Classes felt slow, but they are finally over. I am walking to my car when my phone starts to ring.


"Hey Y/N, it's Camila." How did she get my number?

"Oh, hey."

"What are you doing?"

"I am sitting in my car. I just got out of classes today."

"You want to hang out?"

"Yeah sure, is Dinah going to be with us?"


"So where are we going?"

"I'm gonna send you my address."

"Alright, well I'll see you soon."


"Bye." Shortly after our conversation ended, I got a message. I put her name into my phone and put the address into my GPS. Her place isn't far from mine actually. I drive to my house, and I decide to walk there. I come up on a huge house. This can't be right. I mean she is eighteen. I call her.

"Hey Camila, um I think you missed typed the message or something?"

"No I didn't. I see you, I'll come out." She hung up, and there she was standing in the doorway. She gave me a hug, and we entered the house, I don't even think I could call it that. More like a mansion.

"Like the house?" She questioned. I nodded my head, my brain jumbled and not allowing me to speak.

"It's just boom!" She giggled in response.

"I don't live here by myself. I live with four other girls. One of them being Dinah." Camila addressed.

"Where is Dinah?"

"She went out with the other girls?" She replied.


"I want to show you my room. Come on!" Camila beamed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. We arrived at a door.

"So this is my room." She pushed the door open, revealing a big room. She had some posters up, clothes sprawled on the floor, a guitar in the corner of her room, and a desk with a computer and stacks of books.

"You play guitar? Must be good." She smiled and shook her head.

"I'm actually not that good, I know like two chords." I picked up the guitar. Seeing that she has Ed Sheeran posters, I started to play 'Thinkin Out Loud'. She squealed in excitement. I finished the last chord and put the guitar back into it's place.

"Could you teach me how to play that?" She asked.

"Of course." She grabbed the guitar and sat on the edge of her bed, and patted the spot next to her. I showed her the chords and then showed her the strumming pattern. She got frustrated a few times.

"You have to remember this takes practice. Give it a good two or three days and you'll know the song like the back of your hand."

"Thanks Y/N." She stood up and put her guitar in its rightful place. I took my sweatshirt off and laid it on her bed. She stared at me, thinking about something.

"You want to try that pizza place that I showed you yesterday?" I nodded my head in response. We started to walk there.

"You are going to die when you try their pizza." Camila stated.

"I don't think I'm ready to die." She punched my arm.

"Not really." She laughed.

"Ok, just checking." Antonio's Italian Pizza Palace. Inside it was very Italian cultured. Which makes me feel at home. I was born in Italy, and I moved to a small town in Ohio when I was about seven.

"Hello ladies welcome to Antonio's Italian Pizza Palace. Follow me. Would you like a booth or a table?" The hostess asked.

"Booth please." Camila answered. We got situated in our booth and looked at the menus.

"I don't know about you but I love me some extra cheese pizza. I feel like all of the other toppings ruin it." Camila stated.

"Cheese pizza it is."

"You say pizza funny." She giggles. How did I know that she was going to point that out? I don't say pizza like an American does. I say it how it is spelt, just like my great grandma in Italy.

"I'm Italian, so some words I say are different than how you pronounce them."

"I knew you had some type of accent, you've been here long enough for your Italian accent and American accent to blend together." I never thought of it that way.

"I guess so."

"Hi my name is Steve and I'll be your waiter. Can I start you off with your drinks?" He looked at Camila and smirked. I can tell she felt uncomfortable, but she broke through it.

"Yeah, I'll have a diet coke, and what about you babe?" That sort of threw me off, but I know what she's doing.

"I'll have a water please." He seemed a little pissed off. Once he was out of our sight we both started cracking up laughing.

"That was a good one Camila." I raised my hand for a high five, getting one in return. We fixed ourselves and he came back with our drinks.

"Alright you ready to order?" He questioned.

"Yeah we are going to have a large, extra cheese pizza." Camila ordered. She had her hand on top of mine.

"Baby you want cheese bread or anything else?" Camila asked.

"Nope that will be all." We gave him the menus, and I swear I heard him scoff when he turned around. Again we had a laughing fit. To my surprise we ate all of the pizza. Well Camila ate like 75% and me 25%, but it was some good ass pizza. We sat waiting for our check. Camila's phone rang.

"Hey DJ... Oh I'm just hanging out with Y/N...Alright geez I'll be home in a few minutes... Bye."

"You can go, I'll wait and pay."

"No, No, I asked you to come with me so I'm paying." Camila explained.

"Well at least let me pay the tip." She stopped my hands from moving to my pockets.

"I'm paying for everything." Camila said.

"Alright, if you insist." Steve finally came back with our check. Camila paid and we went walking back to her house.

"Um, well I have to go, and stuff, sorry that I don't invite you in, but I'm gonna be busy." Camila stammered.

"Ok." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'll text you later." She yelled as she walked into her house. I then started walking back to my apartment. I was tired from not sleeping the night before so once I got home I crashed in bed.

Chapter 7! Enjoy! Comment and vote! A day with Camila, sounds fun!

Song: 'Thinkin Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran.


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