Chapter Nine

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Lauren's POV

Why am I affected by this. Here I am crying my eyes out over a girl that I have talked to only two times. I wish I would never had followed Camz. I sat up and put my head in my hands. Lauren pull yourself together, she's just a girl you met, we aren't even friends really. Even if Camila claims they are just friends, I just feel like they aren't what she claims them to be. This is just stupid, I need to get my mind off of this. I pulled out my current read and got lost in the fictional world. I felt my eyes grow tired, and I passed out.


I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, looking into the mirror, I seen the results of last night. I cleaned my face off and brushed my teeth and hair. I went down stairs into the kitchen and Ally is cooking.

"Good morning Laur." Ally greeted.


"I made your favorite." Ally stated as she placed the plate in front of me. What is she doing this for?

"Ally what's this for?" She sighed.

"I went in your room last night and tucked you in bed. I seen that you had cried. So I decided to make your favorite breakfast, in hopes of cheering you up." Ally addressed.

"The book was really sad."

"Oh, well I hope it has a happy ending to it." She smiled. I nodded my head and stared at my food.

"I'm not really hungry right now, maybe I'll eat this later."

"Alright, I'm going to put it in the fridge for you." I went into the living room and laid on the couch. Normani is watching 'Dance Moms'.

"Camila what time is she coming?" Dinah questioned as they both walked down the stairs.

"DJ, I told you I don't know, she is going to text me when she's on her way." Camila responded. They both plopped on the couch.

"I'm just excited, the girls are going to love her." Great just what I needed, for her to come here.

"Hey Laur, how you feeling? Ally told us you cried last night." Dinah asked.

"I was reading a book, and it was really sad."

"Sorry." Camila commented.

"It's a good book, so that makes up for it."

Few Hours Later

"She's on her way." Camila announced. Time to lock myself into my bedroom. I got up and did just that, I can finish reading this novel. From the loudness of the girls I could tell she was here. I put some headphones on drowning out all noise. It's about 7:30 and I'm starving. I don't think that she'll still be here. I walk down the stairs, and sure enough she is.

"Oh, Lauren this is Y/N." Ally introduced us. Even though we know each other.

"Hey Lauren, haven't seen you in a while." She smiled. I smiled back feelings rushing around my body.


"Wait you guys know each other?" Camila asked.

"She's the one Dinah hit in the head with the frisbee, and I talked to her a few nights ago at Starbucks."

"Yup." Y/N agreed.

"Well I'm starving so I'm gonna get me something to eat."

"We are going to watch movies, you should join us." Dinah insisted.

"Alright." I heated up my breakfast from this morning and sat on the loveseat. Y/N sat by me.

"Are they always couch hogs?" Y/N laughed.

"Yeah." We watched a few scary movies. I think Camila is going to have nightmares.

"Alright everyone time for bed." Ally stated. We all groaned.

"I'm gonna be up all night, why did we have to watch four scary movies?" Camila questioned.

"Stop being a chicken, and good thing Y/N is staying over. She'll protect you from all of the monsters. " Dinah teased.

"You are so mean! Let's go Y/NN." Camila said while taking a hold of her hand and leading them up stairs. Yeah and she claims they are just friends. What a bunch of bull shit.

"Night guys." I went upstairs and I passed Camila's open door I seen them. Camila basically laying on top of her.

"Camila get off."

"Never." I rolled my eyes and went in my room. Just what I want to see. Soon I'll be seeing them making out. Why is life so complicated?

Chapter 9! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Oh Lauren!


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