Chapter Twenty-One

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*That's you and Y/BF/N. You're holding Y/BF/N* 😂😂😂

Lauren's POV

Y/BF/N is here in California, fan flipping tastic. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in."

"Get dressed we are going to the beach." Ally clarified.

"Alright." I put on a bikini and put a shirt and jean shorts over my bathing suit. I got downstairs and the girls were all standing by the door to ready to leave.

"I can't believe you're going, you know that-" Dinah covered Camila's mouth with her hand.

"Walz you talk too much. Let's start walking." Dinah instructed. Ally was talking on the phone with someone.

"Ok... Yeah she's with us... Alright... Yeah see you in a bit." Ally finished.

"Who was that?"

"No one." We continued walking to the beach.

"Do you see her?" Camila asked Dinah. They are definitely looking for someone. We stopped in front of two girls on laying on her stomach and the other laying on her back.

"What the fuck? Where'd the sun go?" The girl on her back wined.

"Y/BF/N shut up." Y/N? Y/BF/N took her sunglasses off and looked at Normani, who was casting a shadow on her.

"Girls!" She jumped up from the ground and hugged Normani. Y/N lifted her head up.

"Hey girls." She stood up from her towel. I felt my eyes look her body up and down.

"Jauregui like what you see?" Y/N quirked. I felt my face flare up.

"See I told you that you look hot." Y/BF/N stated. Y/N shoved her playfully.

"I'm glad you could make it." Y/N smiled. Y/BF/N jumped on Y/N's back.

"To the water!" She shouted. Y/N went running into the water with Y/BF/N on her back. I helped the girls set up towels, we all took our cover clothes off.

"Let's go join them!" Camila exclaimed. They went running off to the water. I laid on my towel and pulled a book out of my bag. I could hear them squealing from where I was.

"Jauregui get your ass in the water." Y/N told me.

"No." She ran up to me and picked me up from where I was lying.

"Y/LN put me down!" She kept a hold on my waist as we got farther into the ocean.

"Isn't the water lovely?" Y/N laughed.

"I'm gonna kick your ass."

"I would like to see you try." She smirked. I placed my hands on top of her head and dunked her under the water. She came back up and spit water in my face. I smiled at her.

"You're turn." She smiled and dunked my head under water. I resurface and wrapped my arms and legs around her.

"Ah you're such an ass."

"So I have been told." She chuckled. Water was pushed on to us.

"Sorry did I ruin your guys's moment." Dinah teased. I got off of Y/N and swam towards Dinah. We got into a big splash fight, we started to wrestle too. She grew tired.

"Bruh I tired as hell, I am gonna get my tan on." Dinah stated. I followed her out of the water and laid on my towel. All day we were at the beach. I can say that I got a good ass tan.

"Y/BF/N and Y/N we are going to have a little barbeque you guys are coming over." Ally said.

"Cool, we should make some s'mores." Y/N suggested.

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