Chapter Seventeen

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Lauren's POV

Here I was, by myself because I thought Brad changed. I am sitting in Starbucks. My hands are wrapped around my warm coffee. I hear the chime of the bell. Who could be here this late? Oh Y/N. She took her seat and it was like that night all over again. I looked at her, she seems a little restless. She put her head down on the table. I studied her from afar. She's beautiful even if she is in just some sweats and a big sweatshirt. She lifted her head up and ran her fingers through her hair. I looked down at my coffee. Just move on Lauren, she's out of your reach.

"Lauren?" I lifted my head up to see her looking at me.

"Hi." We still sat across the room from each other.

"What a night huh?" I guess she can tell from my attire and ran down makeup.

"Yeah. How have you been?"

"Fine. Just living life. How about you and the girls?" She replied.

"We're good."

"I'm sorry." She whispered, but I still heard her.

"I should be the one apologizing. I didn't know, I'm sorry." She nodded her head.

"I'll walk you home." She said. The small walk back to my house was silent. I couldn't bring myself to talk. We are at the door.

"Thanks for walking me home." She nodded her head, and pulled me into an embrace. We hugged for a good long while.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" She asked.

"Yeah." She gave me another hug before she pulled away and headed home. I took a deep breath and walked into the house. The girls are on the couch. Their eyes landed on me, and they jumped up.

"I'ma kill him." Dinah hissed.

"It's fine. Everything is fine."

"How can you say that? You cried, you don't cry on dates." Ally disagreed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I seen Y/N tonight." The girls looked between each other.

"Did you talk to her?" Camila questioned.

"Yeah, she actually walked me home."

"Why didn't you invite her in you idiot?" Normani smacked me. I rubbed my arm where she hit me.

"She has a girlfriend, and I have moved on."

"Sure whatever you say." Camila scoffed.

"Ok maybe not."

"I'm going to call her." Camila squealed. I went upstairs and changed into some PJ's.

"She's on her way." Camila called up the stairs. I left my hair down natural, and walked down the stairs. There was a knock at the door and the girls went running to it like a stampede.

"Y/N!" They yelled. I stood back and watched them hug her.

"Ok guys, I missed you too." She laughed. We settled on the couch and watched movies. It's about 3 in the morning.

"Well I'm gonna go home." Y/N broke in.

"No you're not missy. You're staying here, it's 3 in the morning." Ally argued.

"Alright then."

"You're with Lauren tonight." Dinah laughed. I rolled my eyes and led her to my room.

"Hope you don't mind."

"Not a problem." She smiled. We got situated in bed.

"Sorry about your boyfriend."

"Oh, he wasn't my boyfriend. Far from it."

"What do you look for in a guy?" She asked. She's really asking this isn't she.

"Why are you assuming it's a guy?"

"I-I'm sorry, I just figured." She stuttered.

"I'm kidding with you. I look for someone who is themself, and believes in their own opinions. I appreciate people that are in it for the love." I looked at her and she was processing what I said.

"Beautiful." She stated.

"What about you?"

"I'm not sure. I never experienced being with someone. I would want someone that is never afraid to speak their mind. Fights for their beliefs. Someone that would love all of my flaws." She replied.

"You have never been with someone?"


"Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying to you, and how would you know?"

"I seen the video, I seen the picture Y/N, how stupid do you think I am?" She put her head into her face and started to pull her hair.

"Whoa! What are you doing?" I took her hands from her head. She was sobbing.

"Y/N look at me."

"No." I cupped her face in my hands, but she wouldn't look at me.

"Y/N now!" Her eyes looked into mine.

"Let me go!" She pushed me. I fell off the bed. Ok. She seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in.

"Oh god Lauren I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to." She cried. She helped me up.

"It's fine, you didn't hurt me." She pulled me into her and cried on my shoulder. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her the best I could.

"I-I think I'm gonna go." I pulled her back into me. I shook my head and pulled her face close to mine.

"Don't go." Her mind seems to be lost as she looks me in the eyes. My eyes flicker down to her lips, I look back into her eyes to see her staring at my lips. So I closed the small gap between us. I moaned from the contact. The kiss is definitely hungry. She pushed me back a little. Her chest is heaving, eyes dilated, and looks a little dazed.

"Whoa." She whispered touching her lips. I giggled in response.

"You're cute." I said.

Chapter 17! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Kissy kissy with Lauren!


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