Chapter Nine

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Emerald P.O.V.

I need to talk to Trey and fast because I really need help. I walk downstairs to see him watching TV. "Hey trey I need help" I said to him. "I heard your boyfriend yell at you yesterday so I'm guessing that's what it's about." He said to me standing in the refrigerator. "He got mad at me because I'm scared. I just Dont want another Brennan" I said to him truthfully. "But he not Brennan you can't fault him for what Brennan did. Until he prove to you that he is like him then you can't hold that above his head" he said fixing himself a sandwich. What he said stuck to me. I'm gonna give Chris a chance now I have to find him."thank you " I said while grabbing his sandwich I walked into the room and decided to go to his house since he left me last night. I took a shower and wrapped my towel around me and walked into my closet. I put on a white spaghetti strapped half shirt and high waist shorts and a black kimono. I grabbed a pair of socks and put on my hot lava Jordan's. I grabbed my keys wallet phone  and headed to his house.
Chris P.O.V.
*bang bang* I woke up to someone banging on my door. Whoever this is better have a perfect excuse as to why they banging on my door. I opened the door to emerald. She grabbed my face and kissed me. I was shocked at first but gave in and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into the living room and closed the door behind us. I picked her up and leaded her towards the sofa. "I'm ready Chris. I wanna give you a chance. I like you alot" she said with her head in my chest. "I promise not to hurt you beautiful" I told her. I was as serious as a stroke she was beautiful, smart, had her shit together,and took care of her kids. Plus her body is banging that's just a plus.
Emerald P.O.V
I looked into eyes to see nothing but love. I know we don't love each other but this moment is one I will never forget. I may be falling but I know he will be falling with me. "I didn't get dressed just to come over here so let's go." I told him after climbing off his lap. He chuckled and said "let me go get dressed and we can head out." I nodded and decided to watch TV until then.
Chris P.O.V.
I took a quick shower and put on a black shirt some true religion jeans and my hot lava Jordan's. I walked downstairs to see emerald sleep with her mouth wide open. I took a quick picture before shaking her. She jumped up and said "I wasn't sleep". I was clutching my stomach from laughing so hard. I looked up to see her walking out the door. I stopped laughing and ran after her. " wait baby "I called after her. I grabbed her waist and softly pushed her against my car. "Look emerald calm your little ass down I was just playing okay? No fuck that you will calm down now get your ass in the car" I told her. "Yes daddy" she said while climbing in the car. This girl will be the death of me I thought to myself while getting in the car.
Emerald P.O.V
We pulled up to this tall building I wanted to go have fun not here but I was gonna be patient. "I have a business partner waiting for me in my office so I have to deal with this then we can go" he told me as he intertwined our fingers. "Can you wear that here?" I asked him curiously. He chuckled and said "I own this I can wear whatever I choose if I wanna come up here naked I can". I wasn't shocked you can look at him and tell he has money. We walked onto the elevator and headed to the top floor. As we walked out of the elevator I looked around to see everyone with a scowl on there face. I smirked and continued following Chris. We walked into this humongous office which I'm guessing is his. " you can just chill until then this won't take long" he told me. I pecked his lips before heading towards the sofa that was in front of a window that took up the entire wall.
Thirty minutes later
"Wake up beautiful" Chris said. I stretched and wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry I just was a little tired. I didn't get much sleep after you left" I told him while grabbing his hand and heading towards the elevator. "Why didn't you ask me to stay" he asked. "I didn't want to bother you it was early and I didn't wanna wake you because I knew you were sleep." I told him while leaning against the wall. "I would've came. If you want me to stay with you every night just because I will. Emerald, anything I can do to keep you happy I will do it okay? So if you want me to stay tonight just ask" he told me looking me in my eyes. I nodded my head and said okay.
Later that night
"Do you want me to stay with you tonight" Chris asked me. We were currently at his house because I had to go get my car. "I think I'm going to be okay" I told him. He kissed me and pulled away and said "Well if not here's the key to my house. Just come in and get in bed" he said handing me a key to his house. I nodded and got in the car. I showered put on his shirt and some shorts and tried to sleep. Thirty minutes later I decided to go to his house. I pulled up at his house at like 2:00 in the morning. I put my key in the door and tiptoed to his room. He was watching TV with no shirt on and tommy Hilfiger boxers. "I knew you were gonna come. Now come to bed with daddy" he said while holding his arms open. I chuckled and climbed in next to him. He turned the TV off and pulled me close. He kissed my forehead and said "I'm falling hard please don't make regret it" into my ear. That night I went to sleep with a big ass smile on my face.

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