Chapter Eight

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I woke up once I felt myself being put down on my bed. I rubbed my eyes to see Chris walking out my room door. "Chris" I called out to him. He stopped and turned around and walked over to my bed and kneeled down. "Yes beautiful" he said while stroking my cheek. "Can you stay with me tonight" I said very low. He chuckled and said "Yeah beautiful I'm going lock up, okay?" He kissed my cheek and headed downstairs. Thirty minutes later he came up. He took off his shirt and my throat became dry. His body was life I could've died right there. He smirked I noticed I was staring so I turned away from him. He got in behind and grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear " It's yours all you have to do is ask for it". He kissed behind my earlobe I inhaled sharply. I rolled my eyes and got up to take off my clothes because I can't sleep in pants for nothing in the world. I walked into my closet and put on Nike shorts and a tank top. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair into a knot on top of my head and brushed my teeth. Once I got back in the bed Chris was sleep. I pecked his cheek and let sleep take over.

I woke up the next morning to see my mom calling.
Phone conversation:
Mom- Sorry to call so early but can you tell Bronson that you are coming back to get him because imma hang him from the ceiling.
Me- Let me talk to him
Bronson- Hey mommy
Me- hey baby what's wrong
Bronson- Angel say you no coming get me
Me- baby I'm gonna come get you but you have to good for grandma okay baby
Bronson- okay mommy I will  I love you

After talking to Bronson I decided to get up. I took a shower and put on a red tank top and black spandex shorts and ankle socks since I'm not going nowhere today. I realized Chris was still sleeping so I decided to fix him breakfast. Thirty minutes later I was done cooking. I fixed pancakes cheese eggs bacon and sausage. I fixed trey a plate and put it in the microwave and put a sticky note on it telling him it was his. I fixed Chris food and poured him some apple juice and grabbed his plate. I walked into my room to see him still sleep so I sat his food on the nightstand. I straddled his waist and started kissing his neck. I started rolling my hips to feel strong hands wrap around my waist. All of a sudden I was under him. I giggled and kissed his nose. "Now that I can get used to" he said in my ear. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I told him while kissing his lips. "Good morning beautiful" he said while sitting up. I got out of the bed and handed him his food. "Thank you beautiful" he said with his mouth full. I was walking out the room when I heard Chris yell after me "Your ass looks great by the way" I chuckled and went into the kitchen to cut my fruit to see trey at the bar. "I meet your boyfriend last night" trey said with his mouth full. I chuckled and said "that's not my boyfriend". He laughed and I stale faced him. "Chill I'm just messing with you" he said after he finally stopped laughing. "Bye Trey" I said while walking up the stairs. "What's wrong beautiful" Chris asked when I plopped down next to him. "Trey thinks you're my boyfriend" I said. "So I'm not your boyfriend. I spend nights with you. I meet your mom I meet your kids what else will help you notice that maybe i like you and want to be your man." He said angrily while getting up. "I just don't want to get hurt" I said lowly with my head down. "You know where to find me once you realize" he said while walking out my room.
Chris P.O.V.
I walked out of emerald house heated. So I decided to call the one person I knew can help me.
Phone conversation:
Me- hey I need you to come to my house I need to talk to you.
Megan- I'm already there
I hung up the phone and headed to my house. Thirty minutes later I pulled up at my house. "What's the problem?" Megan asked me as soon as I walked through the door. I told her what happened and through the entire thing she didn't say a word so I knew she was about to lay some knowledge on me. "Look she has two kids she is raising on her own. She said that the kids father was a big mistake so he obviously hurt her. She's just a hurt person and doesn't want to get hurt again by you. You didn't let her explain before you blew up on her. She's probably at home crying her eyes out and that's why she didn't want to be with you because you hurt her and y'all aren't even together you proving to her that she was right that you are going to hurt her. She wants you because if she didn't she wouldn't have let you meet her mother or her kids. So get you ass up and go get her again you dumb ass tampon." Megan said to me while pointing at the door. I grabbed my keys and headed back to emerald house. Thirty minutes later I pulled up at her house. I walked in her room to see her in my shirt and spongebob boy shorts. She looked delicious but that's not what I'm here for. I walked towards her to see with puffy red eyes. It angered me to know I was the cause of it. "Look emerald I'm sorry its just that I like you a lot maybe even too much I want to be with you but if you don't wanna be with me it's cool. I never wanted to make you cry I never wanna be the cause of your tears if they aren't tears of joy. I just was angry because I don't wanna give my all and you not giving none." I said to her. "Can you hold me please I'm just tired of getting hurt" I nodded and got in the bed. I kissed her cheek and said "I'm sorry beautiful I wanna be the person to hold you every night and wake up to you. I wanna be your daddy while I'm deep in the pussy and when I'm not" she chuckled and showed me her beautiful smile. "I forgive you now please just hold me" I nodded and held her like she demanded.

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