Chapter Twenty-Three: Balance

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Flowey took a deep breath relieved that their short journey together was over. "Finally! I'm NEVER babysitting you again. Do you hear me? NEVER."

Asgore sat on his throne with his trident in his lap. He didn't seem to see them just yet, even though Flowey was yelling at Sans.

"And if the brat Resets before I kill him, I'm telling Pappy everything you did!"

"asgore? you alright?"

Asgore didn't look up.

Sans hung his head as embarrassed as he was sympathetic. he knew this was probably about Undyne. She and Asgore had trained together, Papyrus had told him.

"i'm really sorry about what happened to undyne-"

"You're not the one who should be apologizing Sans," said Asgore cutting him off.

If he wasn't mad at Sans, then was it about the kid? Did he want revenge for his student?

He's gonna want to kill that kid.

Damn it, how do we convince him not to?

"Undyne told me about your brother before she left."


"it's not a-"

"Did you know, Papyrus was responsible for most of the souls we have here? In fact he may very well be responsible for all of them." Asgore fiddled with his trident, fingering the flower pattern adorning it. He didn't meet Sans' eyes. "Your brother was a Horror Font you know. It was he who kept the Underground safe for everyone and worked the hardest to give us hope."

Wait what?

"you knew he was the resort killer?!"

Asgore shook his head. "No, but being the racist I am, I suspected as much. *sigh*"

Flowey poked around in Sans' pockets searching for a snack. This was going to be another drama fest, he could sense it.

"I can never apologize to your brother for the things I've done to his and your people, but I can apologize to you."

"neither me or my bro have anything against you. fear makes everyone do stupid things, there are no exceptions," said Sans waving him off.

"What I've done is unforgivable Sans. I didn't just help destroy Fonts, I helped upset the balance of the entire world."

The comedian looked at him disbelievingly.

That's...a little over the top there buddy.

Asgore took a small red electronic object out of his robe and handed it to Sans. It looked like a small calculator with a case, but it opened up to reveal a screen and had buttons similar to a video game controller. There was a sensor on the top edge and a switch on the side; probably for turning the device on and off.

"A long time ago, Fonts were the dominant species on the planet. They ate humans true, but they were far from barbaric. They had a culture just as we all do now; something humans and monsters would like everyone to forget."

Sans nodded and put the device in the left pocket of his hoodie. He would have to take a look at it later when everything had died down.

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