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Important A/n at the end!!

Cory's POV

To say the least, I don't like school. When it's finally over, I walked over to the busstation and drove home. When I was at my home, I was greated with the sight of my dad, who wasn't to fond of me ever since I said to him I was gay.

"So, there is the bastard kid of mine." He sneered when I steped out of the bus. I could hear the dislike in his voice like it was screaming at me that I should end my life.

"You know, I think I need to have a little talk with you." He said again. I flinched, and tryed to run into the house, but he grabed me by my coller and pulled me back.

"Please, don't hurt me..." I whisper, not like he pays attencion to it or anything. He pulls me up, until we are at the same eye high, which makes me almost suffecate. He just grinned, loving the efect he has on me.

"I just wanted to say, that your mom has signed our house up for the transfer project, so there is going to be a Brittish boy or girl here next week." I look shocked at him. They both know I'm not good around new people, why would my mom sign our house up for something like this?

My father drops me to the ground and walks of. I pick up my bag and followed him, not to far behind, but far enough he wouldn't hear me.

What has my life become? I'm scared of my own family, and next weak, there is going to be a new boy or girl here?!

I need to get to a chatroom, now...

Uni's POV

Today, was, awsome!

I'm pretty populair in school, since my parents are both teachers that found each other in this school.

I get away with most things...

For all of the American students, I decided that it would be fun to make the school a Brittisch mess. Everywere I went, I left behind a poster, that said they should all come to the cantine afther their lesson were done.

I asked my mom to do this, and she asked the director of the school. He said it was allright, so I went to the supermarket and bought all the typical Brittisch things, like scones, lemon curt, colled cream, lemon cheese, muffins and of course, tea. I also sent a few e-mails to the teachers, to ask them if they have any tea pots to bring to school. A few replied and 3 of them said to bring one.

Well, if you didn't catch the memo, I'm going to organise a high tea.

It went great, everyone enjoyed it, and now I'm finally home.

"Uni, please, come up with more of those ideas of you when you're doing projects." My mother said, whilest she was cooking dinner.

"Well, if I do say so myself, Uni and I come up with some pretty good ideas." Nick said, putting an arm around my shoulder. I wish Nick and I could see each other more ofthen, but we can't. He lives all the way in America, and I live here, in England.

"Yeah, you two only knew each other for a weak, and you almost blew up the sience classroom." My mother said. We both look at each other and laugh.

We didn't read the instructions that good...

"Nick sweet heart, when need you to get to your transfer family?" My mother askdd him.

"They said I could eat here, if I go right afther, so I can say them goodbye." Nick said. My mom nodded and went back to her cooking.

Nick and I went upstairs and we both started our computers, well, Nick started up his laptop and I started up my computer. We both like to enter a chatroom and just chat with other people. And when Nick is in America again, we can just chat in a chatroom.

UNiCOMICS: how is everyone doing?!

SGCBarberian: Uni, nobody is in here!

Nick and I laughed, I always start like this, so everyone can see that there is a chatroom open (IDK how chatrooms work, I've never used one, please roll with it). And now, there are some people in our chatroom.

Stikky_love555: OMG, you two are funny!

Red_Panda: yeah, you two are!!

Welldorm: well, what are you all doing??

I thought of what I would say, but I wasn t realy doing anything, so I just said that.

Newscapepro: Nothing really...
UNiCOMICS: Nothing really...

Wow, that's strange, we both typed our awnser at the time! And exactly the same thing to!

Haha_Hannah: whahaha, that's to funny!

SGCBarberien: wow Uni, I didn't know you could do that!

UNiCOMICS: What a coincedence!
Newscapepro: What a coincedence!

Nick is now laughing his ass of here. I'm laughing to, it was just to funny!

"He types at the same time as you!" Nick laughed. I smiled, I'm curious to who he is.

Cory's POV

UNiCOMICS: What a coincedence!
Newscapepro: What a coincedence!

Okay, that's just funny. How can someone and me type at the same time? It's the weekend, so I'm just chatting all day.

UNiCOMICS: Haha, well Newscapepro, were do you live?

Newscapepro: Boston (I really don't know where Cory lives, bit I know Nick lives in Boston, so I'm going with that), and you?

SGCBarberien: no way, me to!

UNiCOMICS: I'm living in London (also, I don't know where Uni lives), fun fact, next weak I'm going to Boston

SGCBarberien: Okay, why are you telling me this now?

UNiCOMICS: oh, just because I signed up today

Newscapepro: well, I wish you'll good luck, I'm going now

UNiCOMICS: allright then, see ya later on the chat

SGCBarberien: yeah, later dude!

I quickly logged of, not realy sure why. This Uni guy, and the Barberien, they seemed pretty nice. But nice people can also turn on you, and I don't want that to happen to me again...

Hey, if anyone can make a cover for this book, please say so, because I would love to have an cover competition, so send in your best cover for this book!!

Chatroom Coincedence   {NewScapeComics}  //Not Continued//Where stories live. Discover now