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Uni's POV


I see my mom, walking in house with her now black hair. I ran to her and made her stop before me.

My mother looked at me with a smirk, what has gotten into her?

"Mom, why can you dye your hair, and I can't?" I asked her angerly. She looks at me and started to laugh.

"Oh deary, I hoped to be home before you, so I could suprise you with this." She handed me a card. I look at the card and gasp. It's a free hairdye giftcard! I look at it, and then to my mom, who's smirking like an idiot, and back again.

"Well, what do you think? If you don't like it, then-" Before she could say anything else, I tackled her into a hug. She huged me back and when I let go, I'm the one who's smiling like an idiot.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you mom, you re the best!" I said, kissing her cheek.

"And don't forget to thank me, otherwise your mother didn't do this!" I hear my father's voice out of the kitchen window. He was spying on us the whole time! Not fair dad, not fair!

I run inside and tackle him into a hug.

"Well, you can go now, I need to get to work, since I need to check a few tests." Father said, walking upstairs. My mother follows him, she needs to do some work to, I think. I don't really know what my parents do, besides from working together, but yeah, I don't have to know.

When I walk into the living room, I run into Mila, who has a bunch of suitcases with her. She leaves tonight, already?!

"You leave tonight?" I ask her, whilest she looks in the fridge to get all her drinks out. She has her special drinks, mixes, shots and stuff. She drinks responcebly, but she is still a bit under age (A/n: Just asking, but the alcohol limit is 21 right? In England I mean).

"Yes, Caty, Penny and Hannah (A/n: Sorry, random names picked) will pick me up at 7 o'clock. I'll eat with you'll and thenI'm of!" She said, grabbing all the bottles and putting them in a special bag. Se also grabs some candy bars from the top shelf and I ask if I can get one to.

"No, they are for the trip, were going a looong way." Mila says. Of course, 2 hours in a car with you three best friends is a lifetime.

My sister can be so overdramatic at times...

Cory's POV

Well, with all of my brothers here, my father doesn't pick on me as much as he would like to. But still, every moment we are alone, he trys to pick on me, just like now, when I walk into the kitchen where he's making breakfast.

"So, you're hiding behind your brothers, aren't you?" He asks me, whilest making bread for school. I was up and running, and happier than I was before, because my brothers are here, and they are as nice as ever.

Wellm my talk with dad wasn't long, because Claymond, half dressed and Nico, still in his pj's, run in, followed by Aiden, Steve and Sam, who are laughing their heads of. Claymons was blushing bright pink and Nico was confident, but had trouble holding his laugh back. Michaell was apperantly of to work.

"Claymond, for the last time, you and your coworker should go on a date!" Nico yelled. My father turns around to see that Claymond pushed Nico over, making Nico tumble into me, and landing on top of me.

Let's just say, Nico may be the youngest, but he's heavy as f*ck. He isn't fat or anything, but he weighs a little to much.

"Claymond, what's going on?" My father asked him.

"Well, Nico here found my phone and saw that I was texting with my co-worker, NOTHING FLIRTY LIKE!" That last part was almost yelled towards md and Nico, who was still on top of me.

"...and when he asked me about it, he said I should go on a date with him!" Claymond explained. My father almost exploded. He threw his chair back, almost hitting me and Nico, who isn't standing up for now. He stood before Claymond, and looked up to his eldest son.

"HIM, ARE YOU GAY???!!!" My father practicly yelled in his face. Claymond was still calm, not losing it against my father.

"No dad, I'm bi." Claymond mumbled, looking over at me. Claymond, out of all my brother, was the first one that I told I was gay. When I came out to the rest of the family, I had practised with Claymond and asked him a bunch of stuff.

"YOU, YOU...you are bi?" My dad asked, sitting down. "Why did you never tell me this stuff?" Claymond looked at his feet, normaly he was the one showing his confidents, but now, he's almost as insecure as I am!

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Father asked, whilest sitting down again. Everyone looked at Claymond, and apperantly, they all knew this. Me, mom and dad were the only ones that didn't know this?

"Because I was affraid that you would react the same way as you did with Cory. You almost kicked him out, and locked him in his room for almost 2 years." Claymond said. I froze when they brought up the past. Memories flood back in my mind and I winched at the most of them.

They weren't good...

"Cory!" Nico yelled, but it he was far away for some reason. The last thing I hear before everything goes black, were the running footsteps around me...

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