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Cory's POV

I woke up, and I felt incredebly warm. I tried to get the blankets of of me, but I couldn't move. I opend my eyes to see the face of a sleeping Uni right next to me. I almost screamed, but then I rememberd the night before...

(A/n: No you dirty bastards, not like that...)

I looked at the clock inthe room and saw it was like 5 o'clock. I sigh, I can't get out of Uni's arms, who are wrapped around me protectifly. I moved so I wasn't facing him, but my tail was stuck between his fingers, and made friction. Shocks of plesure ran through my spine and I moaned quietly.

"Cory?" The voice of Uni made me jump a little. I turned my head to face him, and his eyes narrowed to try and see me. I pick his glasses for him and put them carefully on his nose. He smiled, but then frowned.

"Did you had a bad dream again, you started moaning." Uni asked me, he still had my tail in his hands, but he hasn't noticed it, I think.

"C-Can you let go of my tail?" I ask him quietly. He looks at his hands and he saw my tail. He let go of it and appoligised for it. I said it was allright, it just hurted a little. In realitly, it was just plesure, and I didn't feel very comfterble with him grabbing my tail and feeling that way...

"How late is it anyways?" Uni asks, looking over at the clock. I saw with my cat eyes that it was 04:57 in the morning. I told Uni that and he smiled.

"Good, then we have some more time together." He said, hovering over me. I gulp, and I opend my mouth a little, my pointy teeth touching my bottom lip, staring at the handsome guy above me.

He kissed me, and I closed my eyes, feeling myself floating on cloud nine. Uni slowly came down, and layed on to of me, making sure he didn't press his full body weight on me, but he still pressed his body against mine. I wrap my tail around us, or at least I try, my arms around his neck.

I felt like I was floating, it was such a nice feeling, even tho it was like 5 in the morning. Uni's lips moved on mine, and he licked my lips now, I didn't open my mouth, curious to his reaction.

I could hear him groan in annoyense, and his squeesed my tail, making me yelp and moan a little. Hi darted his tounge into my mouth, exploring every little bit of it.

When he pulled away, he turned us around, so I was sitting on his chest.

"So that's why you moaned, your tail..." Uni said sedusivly, and I blush a crimson red. Uni chuckled and kissed me again, leaning against the head board. He pulled me with him, so I was practicly laying on him.

Uni's arms go around my waist, to my butt to say the least, his hands playing with my tail. I begin to moan again, and I pull away embarresed. Uni's hands also go away and he looks guilty at me.

"Sorry Cory, I-I didn't mean to..." Uni began, but I shushed him by putting a hand on his mouth. I blush madly, and I lean to his ear and whisper something.

"C-can we not g-go further?" I said blushing. I look at him, giving him my puppy, or should I say, kitty eyes at him and he sighed.

"Okay, I respect your disicion, sorry." Uni said, hugging me tight. I hug him back, saying it was okay. I love cuddleing with Uni, he feels so nice and warm. I nuzzle into his chest, and begin to purr softly. I feel Uni smiling, and he pulls me closer, to his warm comfy body.

I don't know for how long we laid like this, but when I opend my eyes again, I see that I'm alone in Uni's room. I see a letter beside me, and I open it.

Hey baby

I had to go to school, so I left. Sorry for not waking you up, you slept so sweetly that I didn't dare to do that. I'll be back as soon as I can my kitty <3

-xxx- Uni

I red the letter over and over, just to hear him saying those words to me in my head, with his sweet smile and those beautiful eyes...

I hear footsteps on the stairs and I quickly run back into my own room. Wait run? I look at my leg, that doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe he did put some permanent painkillers in that stupid potion of him.

I put the closet back into place, and lay down on the bed, protending to be asleep. I hear my door opening, and loud footsteps inside my room.

"Rise and shine you scum, I want to see if it worked!" The loud voice of Carl echood in my head and I sit up, I had my head down and I quickly pulled my hoodie up, and hid my tail under it to.

"Ha, so there you are, you like your new features?" Carl laughed, as he pulled my hood down, my ears springing back up. I can hear him laughing, and he also pulls my hood over my head, my tail also comming out.

"Hmm, you were supposed to be a bunny, those are horny the whole year round, but a kitty is also good, that means you'll have a mating seisoon." He said, walking around the bed to inspect my 'new features'. I bite my lip to not cry, I feel so humiliated around him, it's unberable.

"Well, everything looks right, and the painkillers worked, so I see?" Carl also said, now inspecting my leg. I began to shake a little bit, and he noticed. He puts a finger on my chin and lifts it up roughly.

My tear stained eyes look knto those sickening eyes of his.

His eyes laugh, and I feel tears now dripping down my cheeks, onto my fathers hands. He looks at me with so much hatred I shivered with fear, of what he might do to me...

"Crying, that's the only thing you're good at, that's what you did you whole life without failing ones." Carl said, and he walked away again. I heard him close the door, and I fall back into my pillow.

And I cry, I cry because that's indeed the only thing I'm good at...

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