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Uni's POV

He is a neko.

Cory's cat ears are black with white tips, and now he unraps his new tail from under his hoodie. His tail is the same as the ears, with a white tip. He looks scared at me, ears flat against his head. His eyes stand sad and I can see him think.

"H-how did this happen?" I ask Cory. Cory just began to sob again and he wraps his arms and tail around his legs. The only words I can fully understand were syringe and something that made my blood boil, father.

"Did you father sting you with a syringe and you became a cat boy?" I ask him. Cory nodds in his knees, I can understand why he would think I would leave him now. It isn't going to happen. Those ears and tail only makes him cuter.

Cory is just so...unsecure about how people think about him, that he asumes the worse.

I carefully sit down, take Cory in my lap and start to pet him. He shifts a little so he can cry in my chest. His sobbs filled my ears, and I continue to pet him. Slowly the sobbing stops, and he begins to purr softly.

"Calmer now?" I ask him as he looks up at me. He nodds slowly and when I continue to het him, and start purring even louder, closing his eyes and leaning against my hand. I see a blush making it's way on his face when he realises what I'm doing.

"As for not wanting you, I love you, before and now and I'll never leave you." I said, stopping with petting him becaude he's uncomfterble with it.

"Well, we know what your father does in the basement now..." I said to Cory, and he nodds. There's another thing to get Carl arrested, experimenting on people is against the law if they don't give permision to do it, I think, or hope...

He nodds and I look at my watch. It's almost nine o'clock, and school is tomorrow. I need to get into bed, if I want to have a good mark on my test for chemistry. I learned in school, it's eazier for me.

"Well, I need to go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, placing a kiss on his forhead and cheek. Cory's face gets flusterd again and I laugh quietly. But when I try to get up, Cory also stood up.

"Oh, you need to get dressed in your pj's, well, sweet dreams!" I said, and walked into my room. I closed the door and went to grab my own pj's, well, I only pulled on some clean boxers and a sportpants. I went to the little sink in the corner and brushed my teeth. I also put my glasses on my nightstand, maybe I'll put them on in school tomorrow.

I get in my bed, and thought about Cory's...well...eh...'new body'. He was so adoreble, I just want to hold him forever, even if he didn't have those cat ears and tail, I still would wanna hold him forever.

With that thought, I fell asleep...


Still Uni's POV

I woke up by hearing Cory's voice. It sounded so close by, that I don't know if it was a dream or real...

"U-Uni?" A quiet whisper was what I heard and I sat up. I saw a figure standing in the doorway to Cory's room. I put on the light on the nightstand and put on my glasses. Cory stood in the doorway to his room, his eyes sleepy but frightend and his ears were hanging.

"What is it Cory?" I ask him, sitting up straight. Cory looks at me, and he asks if I always had glasses. I said I did, but wore lenses during the day.

"But why are you here, you aren't here to ask if I wear glasses." I said chuckling. I see Cory blushing again and he said something I didn't hear. I ask him to repeat himself, and his face became crimson, and he started to sniffle a little bit.

"I-I had a nightmare." Cory said, ruffling the tip of his tail with his fingers. I chuckle slightly and stand up. Cory blushes even more when I was fully out of bed. I smirk and walk up to him, and I gave him a hug.

I carefully pick him up and place him in my bed, and I also crawl in. I pressed Cory's warm body against my own and I had my chin on his head. His back was pressed against my belly and I feel him sigh with happiness.

"Better?" I ask Cory. Cory turned around and looked at me. His eyes were almost closed and I can tell that he's sleepy. But the smile on his face told me enough.

"I'm happier then I ever felt before." Cory whispered and kissed me. I kissed back and I let out a sigh. He's just the most adoreble boy you can ever find. And the best part?

He's MY adoreble boy...

I feel him falling asleep and I grabbed my phone. I made a picture of us and made it my background. No way that I will forget this. I also felt tired, and I pressed my head against Cory's back and fell asleep...

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