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I dedicate this chapter to chrisella2172, because she's amezing and supports my book so much!! <3

Uni's POV

When Nick was finally here, he introduest himself to my transfer family. Then he pulled me out of the door. I quickly shouted that they can call whenever they want me home. Carl nodded and locked the door.

"This is so great! I was with you for two weeks, and you're here a whole month!" Nick said, still pulling me with him. We run towards his house, and when we are inside, I'm greeted by a small girl from about 4 years.

"Nick's bag!" She yelled, and ran towards Nick. Nick smiled and picked her up, and swinging her around. She giggles and when she saw me, she turned towards Nick, pointing at me.

"Why has boy bwue hawr?" She asks Nick and Nick started to laugh. I blush a little, but laugh with him.

"Because he wanted that! Okay, Chrisella, this is Uni, Uni, this is Chrisella, my half sister, and somewere is also my-"

"Nig! Nig back!" I turn around and see a boy, who crawls towards us.

"And there is Nathen, my half brother." Nick said. He puts Chrisella down and picks up Nathen. I noticed Nick only said halfbrother and halfsister.

"Do you have any non-halfsiblings?" I ask him. He shakes his head and walks into the living room. There sits a women who looks exactly like the women version of Nick, and a man who looks exactly like Chrisella and Nathen.

"Hello mom, Tom, this is my friend from England, Uni, Uni, this is my mom Ninati and my stephdad Tom." Nick said. I shake the hand of Tom, but when I wanted to shake the hand of Ninati, she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad to meet you, Uni! Nick told me so much about you!" She said. I blush uncomfterbly and Nick laughes.

"Mom, you're kiling Uni." Nick said. Ninati looks at me and let go of me.

"I'm sorry Uni, you guys ask me when you need something!" Ninati said, as she sat down with Tom again, taking Chriselle on her lap.

"But I wann pway wi Nick an Oni!" Chrisella said, Nick bursting out in laughter afther hearing 'Oni'. But Ninati told her to not interupt us. She sits, puffing her cheeks as Nick motioned me to come over.

"Chriselle is sometimes a little weird (A/n: don't hate me)." Nick said as we wondered upstairs, to his room I supose. When we were in there, I saw what Nick ment by 'his favorite color being red'. His whole room is red, the walls are two different colors red, his desk is dark red, only his floor is white and the bed sheets are red and white.

"Jeez, you like red, don't you?" I said, sitting down on his bed as he goes to his, also red, desk chair.

"Yes, I like red, but now, buisness." Nick had a serious face on and looks me dead in the eye. I feel like I've admitted a crime and Nick is the cop, trying to get awnsers out of me.

'What is there between you and that NewScape guy?"

Cory's POV

I did it, I bought the Minecraft game. My username? NewScapePro of course. I have played it for a little while now, and it's getting dark already. I haven't eaten since yesterday, and I hope my father is going to feed me.

I sound like a dog, a pet.

Whilest he's at it, why don't turn me into a pet? He's always buzy with his stupid experiments, in his 'top secret' worklab, also known as the basement. Now that I think of it, what is he working on?

I hear footsteps, going up the stairs again. I crawl to the door, I think my father spraint my ankle, and it hurts like hell to stand on it.

"...never though he would ask that, he such a god friend, why would he ask me about NewScape?" Oh, it's just the new- wait, did he say NewScape? As in like, NewScapepro, my username? I crawl quietly towards my bed, and lay my ear onto the wall, in the hope that I could hear him.

"...mean, I don't even know that NewScapePro guy!! He could be anywere in Boston, and Nick thinks I have met him, or even like him?!" The voice sounds like he's walking around in the room. But then, I hear a loud 'bonk', right were my ear is and I think he just sat down on the bed, and with his head right against my ear.

"I wish I could meet him, I just have this feeling that he's closer that I think. Maybe, when I go to school, that's were it will all turn out." My heart skiped a beat. He want's to meet me? But why?

I stand up as good as I can and walk to the mirror in my bathroom. The only thing I see, is a small boy, with grey eyes and goldblonde hair. Nothing special, I'm not special at all.

I limp back to my bed and put my ear against the wall again. I noticed that the wall there was a little warmer than the other parts.

"...that I would crush on someone I never even met." The transfer student said. I pull away so quickly from the wall, that I fell of my bed with a loud noice. Luckely, my father didn't hear it.

"Hello?" The transfer student said. I hear him standing up, and he walks to his door. He opens it, walks to my door, and stands still...

Mwhahahaha, I'm so evil!! I'm going to leave this cliffhanger here, and I'll see you all in the next update!!

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