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Uni's POV

When I'm finaly awake, afther what seemed like ages. Yes, I have this weird thing that I can feel every minute that I sleep. I streats myself out amd look to my clock. 9 in the morning, not to bad.

As I walked towards my computer, I saw that Nick had sent me a message.

Private message: SGC_Barberian

SGC_Barberian: heya dude, how are
you doing? I sent you some messages
on your phone, but you wouldn't
awnser, and just thought I would ask.
Hey, did you know that that
Newscape guy asked me to which
school I go, and he sent me the school
he goes to, which is the exact same as
mine! Should I tell him that?

Oh yeah, my phone crashed a few weeks back, I forgot to tell him that. I sat down and thought about what Nick said about NewScape. Did that Newscape guy really go to the same school as Nick? But why didn't he go to transfer as well?
I'm starting to feel a little jelous towards Nick, that they go to the same school.


I'm acting so weird when I think of NewScape. It's like I'm obsesed with him, like a fangirl who's fangirling about a fanfiction (A/n: sorry, had to do it XD, you can also be a fanboy who's fanboying, I don't judge...). I think it's best if I said to Nick tbat he should tell him, and meet up with him.

Hello dude, I'm doing great, and
about that Newscape guy, maybe try
to meet him, he seemed like an
nice guy, just tell him you go to
the same school as you

So, that's done. To be fair, I think I'm even more curious about NewScape than that Nick is. But I just want to find out who NewScape is.

Well, it's time to get my phone from the shop. It crashed in the first chapter, so yeah...


I ment a few weeks, i think I thought it wrong, that s all. I walked out the front door, into the great outdoors. I really want to get my phone back, there is this new game called 'Pokémon Go' that I wanna try out.

When I'm finally at the store when my phone was getting repeared, I spotted a familiar thing.

A camera, just like the profile picture of NewScape. It is an old model, one where you still needed that big thing to use a flash.

"Interested in that old thing?" A voice behind me asked. I turn around and see the shop owner. He's a big man, with a big beard. But his eyes stand friendly and with a smile on his face.

"Y-yes sir, well, a little bit." I stutter, I really look stupid, don't I? I don't even know why I'm reacting this way. I only met a guy in a chatroom and now I'm even looking at camera's.

"Well, since you got your phone repearded here, you can take ig, of you like it." The man said. I looked at the camera again, and I know that if I decided to take it, that I have a problem.

"Well, that's really kind of you sir, but can you maybe keep it for me until I pick it up? I have an idea, to suprise my eh...my friend." I said. The shop owner nodded his head.

"I can do that, what's your name kid?" He asked me.

"Uni (insert last name)." I said. The man stoped writting on the paper and looked at me.

"Uni, as in, Unicomics?" The man asked me. Wait, he knows my chatroom name? I look suprised at him and nodded my head.

"Haha, my kids at home like your chatroom things, can I tell them I've met you?" He asks me.

"Sure, and tellthem to watch my channel, if you like speed drawings." I said. The man nodded.

"Will do, now, here's the phone, and have a nice day Uni." The shop owner said, handing me my phone. I nod towards him and walk out of the store. On my way home, I come across a barber shop. I look inside to see a man, who's getting his hair dyed. He has now spikey hair with red points.

I groan with jelousy and walk away. I always wanted to dye my hair, but my parents won't let me (A/n: Relatble Uni, I feel you...). If I would dye my hair, it will be a blue color.

When I'm finally home, I was over run by Mila.

"Mila, what the hell are you doing?" I shout at her, as I pick myself of the wall. I could barley escape her, when she ran like a mad man...sorry, mad women.


I look at her, until she was all the way up the stairs. Then I walk to the kitchen, were dad is making lunch.

"Dad, why can Mila move out house and I can't have my hair dyed?" I ask him. My dad sighs, we have had this conversation a million times, but now, I have something to defent myself with.

"Because Mila is older than you, and she is paying it herself. She needed to get out one day, and now she finally has." My dad said, whilest cutting the tomato in pieces. I smirk, I think I have this.

"But dad, I'll pay for myself, and you didn't allow Mila to go with her friends when she was seventeen, and now she is nineteen." I said. My father thought about it, and than said something unexpected.

"I'll talk about it with your mom, and now, let me make the sandwitches, otherwise you won't get one!" My father said, rubbing through my hair and turning his back to me again.

I walk out of the kitchen, satified. I grab my phone and sent to Nick I can maybe dye my hair.

I also instaled that 'Pokémon Go' thing, and I started playing it. I walked outside and into the park, when I had a message from Nick.


Dude, that's so cool! And I know exactly
what color you're gonna chose ;)
Hey, I saw your video's on you channel,
and those are awsome man, you need to
do something with it!

Yeah, you know it =)
Did you hear anything from that
Newscape guy?

Nah, nothing yet, but I need to go to
bed, tomorow is school starting for me
again, see ya later!

Good night!

It sucks that there is such a big timespace betweem us. It's almost like he's awake when I'm asleep and the other way around (A/n: I don't know about the timelapes between the country...). Well, it's better than nothing.

I walked for about an hour again, and then went back. I caught an Eevee and a Psyduck, which isn't that bad.

But when I was back, I couldn't believe my eyes...

Chatroom Coincedence   {NewScapeComics}  //Not Continued//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें