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As the week passed by, Uni and Cory saw eachother every mornig, and if it was possible every evening.

But Cory knew he was going away soon, his dirtbag of a father made sure of that...

Cory's POV

"So, today is the day!" My father yelled, walking in. I look up scared, knowing what's to come...

"This evening, the people are going to ship you away. So make sure you take a shower beforehand." My father continued, his sickening grin making me want to gag...

I didn't say anything, like always. I didn't feel like taking showers either, it being water and all.

"So, here you have your last meal in this house." My father finishes, giving me a plate with some mashed pottatoos and brocoli.

I took the plate, and in a rush of adreniline and anger I threw the plate in his face...

"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU YOU FILTHY DIRTBAG!!! I WON'T LET YOU PUSH ME AROUND ANYMORE! UNI LEARNED ME WHAT'S ACTUALLY IMPORTANT IN LIFE, AND THAT THING IS NOT FAMILY FOR ME!" I yell, my voice almost gone. I quickly grab a sweater and run out the room, hearing my father groan in agonny.

I run down the stairs, walking into a shocked Nico.
"C-c-cory?!" He stutters.
"I'll explain later!" I yell, feeling free and untoucheble.
"Get our brothers into the school!" I yell, running onto the street.

As the cold wind rushes past me, I feel how weak I actually am, but I got to get to Uni.

I have to...

I try my best to keep a steady run, but with the last bits of my energy, I rushed into the schoolbuilding.

As I feel all eyes on me, some startled and other shocked, I run past everyone, looking for my bluehaired savior.

As I see him, walking with Nick, I run towards Uni.

Nick sees me first, he stares at me in shock, and taps Uni on his shoulder and points to me.

Once Uni's ombre eyes land on me, I feel more energy then ever, running against him as we tumble on the floor.

"He's going to sell me today!" I yell panicking.
"He knows I'm here, please help me!" I say to Uni, who is underneeth me.

I hear him groan, but Nick jumps into action.
As I hear him calling the police, I see all my six brothers running into the school, seeing me on top of Uni they run in as well.

I get enveloped in a huge hug, and Uni explains everything, my voice completly gone.

Nick hangs up and tells me the police is comming.
Everything is happining so fast I can't believe it.

But when I hear the voice I dread the most, my face pales...

"CORY, COME HERE!" My father yells, throwing everyone out of his way to get to me.
What scares me most, is that he has a gun with him.

He quickly points it too not me, but Uni. Uni presses himself against the wall, scared

"NO!!!" My voice shrieked, as I run towards Uni, standing in front of him.
"You are not killing him! You have to kill me first!" I say, voice barely hearable.

"With plesure." My fathers calm voice was the last think I heard before a pain in my stomach an a scream from Uni...

Uni's POV

The wound isn't fatal.
He shot too low for that.

But he needs to get to a hospital soon.

I hear his father chuckle, and I run towards him, and with a scream of aggony and hatered I punshed him in his jaw, as hard as I could.

He stumbled back, and just when I wanted to go ham on him, I hear police sirences.

I smirk, and look at Carl.
"It's over now, your pathetic plan failed!" I spat, liking how scared he looked for once.

The police men stormed in and I turn to Cory, who was taked again by a policemen.

"We'll take him to the hospital, you need to come with me, and one Nick Barberian too..." The officer says...

Once me and Nick get in the pokice car, we started driving towards the hospital, with the sirences and everything on.
"Explain." The police officer says as he concentrates on the road.

As nick explaines everything, I look at Cory, on the passengers seat. Tears well in my eyes as I take his golden hair in my hands...

"You'll make it, you are not alone..." I whisper...

(Hi there!! It's been so long I know, but you all desirve this story ending. The next chapter wil be the last, and allot will be explained...)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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