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Just a little thing, but chrisella2172 made a drawing of #NewScapeComics, go and check it out!!

Cory's POV

I pull away from my computer and started to cry. I was just to much for me. I'm never able to meet any of my friends, my mother is sending me to therapy again and I'm stuck in my room for god knows how long.

I wouldn't suprise me if I die in this room, not suiside, because I'ld be that old.

I walk to my drawer, to try and find my pocket knife. I just need relief, just a few, just to forget it all. I looked everywere, but I couldn't find it. I then remembered that I had given it to the scouts. I smashed my head into the drawer.

I walk to my own personal bathroom, and find a razor.

I sit in the bath, and folded my sleeves. The scars from the past were still there, and they wouldn't go away any time soon. I started with cutting one of the old ones.


Then, I started new ones, going further up my arm. The pain, it stings a bit, but it's better than the pain in my head.




And the last one, it's a new one this time.

Mental instable...

Uni's POV

Well, I can't argue with his parents. If they don't want that their son meeting his friends on the internet, then they don't have to argee with it.

I started texting to Nick. Tomorow is the day that I'm going to dye my hair. I made an apointment at five over twelve midday, so I'm super happy! The only problem is, since I'm now used to American time, this is really annoying for my sleeping scedule.

I can't believe that I'm accually
gonna get a hairdye

Nick: No, I can't believe it eather, your
parents are the best!

Nick: I'm suprised that that NewScape
fella has such evil parents!

Ikr, like, okay, we are
internetfriend, but that doesn't
make us evil, right?

Nick: I'm with you, but I'm so happy
that you're gonna come to America!!
Which number are you?

What number? Nobody gave me a number...

What number?

Nick: Oh, check your mail, you've
been given a number, for your

Wait really?! I quickly log of the chatroom, and go to my mail. I scroll down, until I found an e-mail from school. I opend it and saw indeed a number.

I'm number 245, and you?

Nick: Nooooo, I'm number 243,
you're not with my family!!

No, that sucks, I really wanted to
be with you there!! D:

Nick: Well, we can always meet up
you're in the same school as me!!

Yeah, that's true...
but still!!

Nick: You know what's funny? The
number you're given is the exact
number of how many people are
going on the transfer trip!

So that means I'm the last number. Well, it doesn't matter anyways, am I right? I whatsapped with Nick for a little little while, until it was time for us to sleep...

Cory's POV

I woke up and it was dark. Did I pass out? I think I did. I stand up, and notice that the bath isn't that white anymore, and so are my arms. I quickly shower a little, and then walk back into my bedroom, and I saw a plate with food. The thing is, it was placed in a dogbowl, and there aren't any knifes or forks to eat with. They are treating me liie a dog now, or at least, my father does.

I ate the food on my bed, with my hands of course, and then I hear someone knocking against my door.

"Cory, I know you don't like it, but you don't have to lock yourself in, please open!" The voice of my mother sounds heartbreaking. So, my father told them lies again. I don't want to get my father upset, or angry, so I'm not going to say that he lied.

In fact, I'm going to say nothing at all.

"Well, for the transfer of next week, we are number 245." My mother said. Why did she tell me that? What would it matter? It's not like I'm getting out of this room anytime soon.

"Oh, and I need to go on a buisness trip, and I won't be there on you birthday, I'm so sorry my dear, but it couldn't wait." If I hadn't had a bad time already, this would have made me cry.

"So, I have a small present for you, I'm gonna scoot it under your door." I look up and see a card, that was pushed under the door. I stand up and walked over.

It's a birthday card, and by the looks of it, my mother painted it herself. On the card is a women with a child, playing on the beach. I remember this picture. This is one of the only pictures that I'm accualy on.

Let's just say, my birth wasn't planned, or wanted by my father.

But I love the picture. I make the card open, and the real photo fell out of it. There was something written inside it.

"Hello sweety,"

"I wish you a happy birthday, you're 16, and that is a special number"
"It means that you're hard on your way to being an adult, and I can't say how proud I'm of you."

"I'm so sorry for sending you to therapy, but it seems like you need it, and I care to much about you to let you suffor. The lessons start in five days, and you're going to them, no matter what."

"This card is worth 20 dollars, it has a watermark and everything. I made a deal with the bank last week. You can buy what you want with it."

"Your real present is in the hands of your dad, so wait until your birthday!"

"Love, Mum ~XxxX~"

I look at the card, and read it again, and again and again. The way my mother writes, her handwritting is so elegant. It's the most beautiful I've ever seen.

I pick up the photo, and I put it down on my night stand. My mother may care about me, but I'm sure my father doesn't.

Well, the day that I start therapy, is also my birthday, ánd it's also the day that the transfer student comes here.

It's going to be one hell of a week...

Chatroom Coincedence   {NewScapeComics}  //Not Continued//Where stories live. Discover now