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Cory's POV

Afther Uni and Nick needed to get out, I desided to take a shower. Well, as far as I can, since the shower in there, isn't that good.

I limp over to my closet, I can't walk, so I'm still limping. I took a clean pair of jeans, underware and a clean hoodie, because the one I now have on, is stinky and has blood on it. I lay them down on my bed, so they don't get wet. Then I look at my hoodie, that I'm wearing now.

I don't want to wash it.

Uni held me in this sweater, and I can't help it, but I my head only wants to think about Uni. How his blue hair matched his lightbrown eyes, how he was so strong, he could pick him up.

Uni, without his shirt, hovering above me...

I blush at the thought, and baned it out my other thoughts. Why would I think about him that way? Well, I mean, he's incredebly handsome, and I feel protected when he's with me, but he already has someone else, over the internet.

It can't be me, that's impossible.

I limp into the bathroom, and started the shower. Hearing the water fall onto the tiles made me long even more for a nice shower. I take my shampoo and step into the shower.

The water stings on the wounds on my arm, but for the rest, it's nice. I softly try to use my voice again, drinking a glass of cold water that was next to the sink.

When I was little, they said I could sing like an angel. I never wanted to do something with singing, because I don't like spotlights. I have a higher voice that normal guys, so they choir teacher at my school asked, no begged me to be in the choir class. But my dad didn't want that, and I didn't want it either.

But I just need to talk now, but my voice hurts like hell in my throat. I can talk a little bit, but I'm not going to do full sentences for a while.

Then I hear the door of my room opening, and I'm praying it isn't my dad...

"Cory?" I hear Uni's voice and I sigh, it isn't my dad. But then I remember I'm showering, naked.

"I think he's in the shower, I hear water." Nick's voice said. I'm blushing so hard, that I think I'm somewere between a tomato and a cherry. I quickly wash my hair and when I was buzy washing my body, I hear a question, asked by Nick towards Uni.

"I'm curious, who's top in the relationship between you and Cory?"

I hear shortly afther the question a scream from Nick, and a 'bonk'. I guess Uni pushed him onto the floor. I blush even harder, I'm definetly a cherry now, and I quickly wash my body and step out of the shower.

I see that the door is still open and I close it quickly with my foot.

"Well, guess I'm right, he's showering, and you didn't want to join him?" Nick said. Another scream and a 'bonk'.

"Can you stop with pushing m- Oh hey, look what I found!" I hear Nick say. Oh please, don't let them find my photo's from the chatscene with Uni!

Yes, I have those...

"He left his clothes in here!" Nick then said. I look shocked, and then look around. He's right, I left my clothes in there, because the would get wet in here! The shower doesn't have a curton, so the water goes everywere.

"I'm wondering when he's going to get them." Nick said. I'm so embaressed, and I haven't even walked in my room!

I'm panicking right now, what do I do?! My old clothes are soaked, I'm not walking in there naked. I look at the towel, that layes on top of my old clothes, so it wouldn't get as wet. I dry myself of and put the towel on my waist.

Okay, here we go...

I open the door and I see Uni sitting on my bed, and Nick looking at my desk. The both look up when I entered the room, and I blush heavly. Uni also looks a little more pink then I remember and Nick is trying to hold his laughter back.

I quickly point at my clothes, making sure they don't see the scars on my arm. Uni grabs my clothes and walks over to me. When he stood before me, I had to look up at him. He looked down, not blushing anymore, but smiling sweetly.

He mumbled something I couldn't hear, and he gave me my clothes. I took the clothes with one arm, only to see Uni's expresion change to one of shock. I look down and I see that my scars are visible to him.

"Why did you do that to yourself?" Uni asked loudly, so Nick was beside him right away. I quickly tryed to hide my arm, but Uni grabed it, causing me to gasp. I almost dropped my towel. His touch is so gentle, just like when he picked me up. I blush deeply again, but I didn't resiste Uni's hold on my arm.

Nick gasped, and walked back, as I was infected with a virus or something.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Nick also said. I look down, tears start to form in my eyes. Uni tilted my head up, and I'm lost in his deep brown eyes again. They seem to hypnotise me.

"You're throat still hurts when you try to speak?" Uni asked me, and I just nod. Even when he just asks me something, my heart begins to flutter, and my belly seems to been filled with butterflys.

"It's okay, you can also write it down." Uni said, looking at my desk. They want me to write my whole life? I'm not going to do that! I shake my head, and Uni looks pissed now. I shrink under his gaze, feeling extra small. He takes a deep breath, and smiled, thinking.

"Okay, I don't care if you don't want to tell me, us now, but promise me, don't do it again. You're worth more in life then that." Uni said, smiling at me again. He lets go of my arm and I limp back into the bathroom, or at least, I tried.

When I fell down, Uni picked me up and brought me there. I looked if my towel was still good, it was, and then I stared at Uni's eyes again. I never thought someone's eyes could make me so addicted to that person. Well, it isn't only his eyes, it's also his body, the way he acts around me.

When we were at the bathroom, that walk seemed to take ages, but it was only like 10 seconds, Uni sat me down and looked at me. Again, butterflys fly around in my stomic.

"We are going now, and remember that promise we made. I'll try to visit you every evening at 8 o'clock, allright?" Uni said. I nod, I can't wait for tomorow 8 o'clock. Uni smiled, and did something I never expected him to do.

He came closer to me, and kissed me, on my cheek.

His hot breath made the butterflys go crazy, and when his lips touched my cheek, it was like 4th of July, so many fireworks were going of. Sparks seemed to go through me, and when he pulled away, it was like all the energy I had was sucked away.

Uni smiled at me, love was the only thing readable in his eyes. Was it me, his internet crush? I can't be, right?

Uni walked out of the bathroom, waving at me. I waved slightly back, still blushing like a cherry.

"Are you comming Nick?" Uni asked Nick, and I hear them both leave...

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