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Uni's POV

Well, I had fun with Nick, but now, he's gone back to Boston. We have each others phone numbers, so we can always call, text or whatsapp. I hope he is okay, and that the plane doesn't crash or something.

As I walk upstairs to change, I saw that my computer was on and I saw the screenshot I made from the chatroom.

I made a photo with the chats from me and that Newscape guy. I don't know why I did that, but it was just so funny. I now follow his chatroom acount.

I don't know why, but he seems to interest me. I don't even know him, but he has something that makes me wanna...know him better.

Well, I better get going to bed, because I have a school party tomorow, and I don't think I'm going to be sleeping much when I get home.

As I waked over to my closet, I heared a 'pling' on my computer. I quickly change in my pj's and walk over to the computer.

New folower: NewScapePro

I stared at my screen, not realy believing that this was happening. I felt the urge to jump up and down, screaming like a girl.

What the hell was I thinking?!

I think it has a name, the behavior I had just then, but I can't remember it...

Well, I just feel like I should send him a message back, to thank him for folowing my acount. Is that weird? I've always done it, and I have 48 followers. I hope he doesn't think it weird...

Again, what the hell am I doing?!

I sit down behind my computer and started typing a message to him.

Private message: NewScapePro

Thanks for following me, it was
funny how it went in the

So, that was it, and now I'm going to sleep. I stood up from my desk and walked over to the bathroom, to brush my teeth and put in my brace that goes outside my mouth (A/n: Sorry, I don't know how it's called XD). It sucks to wear that thing, luckly I only have to wear it over night.

I walk back to my room and look at the screen one more time.

Still no response, I'm going to sleep. I walk over to my bed and try to fall asleep, but I keep having the feeling I'm being watched...

Cory's POV


Why would he do that? Was it to laugh at me, or maybe he is a bully from my school and he saw through my icon?

I have a weird love for camera's, and I always wanted to be a camera man. My icon is a camera, so if people know me, they can see through my icon, I think.

I'm going to look at what he sent me.

Private message: UNiCOMICS

UNiCOMICS: Thanks for following
me, it was funny how it went in
the chatroom

I read it a few times, before I smacked myself on the head. Why would I ever think someone would sent me an message if they can ruin my life outside the chatrooms? I indeed followed him, and the Barberian guy. They seemed nice, and they didn't hate me for typing the exact sme thing.

He also followed me before I followed him, so that's a little weird, I think.

I aslo got a follow back from the Barberian, just now.

But what am I going to send back to Uni? A normal 'you're welcome', or something else? Maybe I could talk to him?

Maybe I could ask him about going to a party.

I have a party within a few weeks, and I don't know how I'm going to do that. I don't know how to behave, or what I should do, since I don't have friends.

Yes, that's what I'm going to do, tomorow.

But not now, now I'm going to message the Barberian, because he maybe goes to the same school as I do. He lives in Boston, just like I do.

Private message: SGC_Barberian

Hey, sorry to bother you, but how old
are you? And to which school do you
go? I'm 15 years old and I go to 'Oak
Tree highschool'

So, I think it's fair he he knows to which school I go. That way, he can message me if he also does, or if he doesn't.

Now I need to get out of the house. I think my live will turn around to be a little better, now I may have friends, if they are only on the internet.

I need to start working on my dream job, and make pictures. I like making pictures, but I love making them of nature. So I grab my camera, and walk downstairs.

When I'm down, I see my six older brothers standing in the hallway.

Yes, I said six. My mother gave birth to two triplets and me, which is a record I think. I have three brothers that look the same as my mom, darkbrown hair and bluegray eyes. The other three look like my dad, goldblonde hair and green eyes.

And me, I'm a mix between my mother and father, having my fathers goldblonde hair and my mothers greyblue eyes.

Well, my eyes are a little more grey than everone else, but that's not the point.

The point is, why are they all here? They are all grown up, them being 25 and 22. Is it their birthday? No, it can't be, Claymond, Michell and Aiden were here last seek for their birthday, and Nico, Steve and Sam were in January.

"Hey, there is are favorite brother!" They all yelled at the same time. I prepered myself for the inmense grouphug, which was a little less rough than normal, luckly.

"How are you doing?" Nico asked. He was the youngest out of them all, besides me.

"Good, and you all?" I asked with a smile. I love my brothers, they always make me laugh. They do all sorts of stupid stuff, and they made my days alot better when they still lived home.

But now, Claymond runs a company, Michell and Steve work as manly rollmodels, Aiden is a camera man, which I'm extremly jelous about, and Nico and Sam are still looking for work.

"Well, the usual, but we are here to visit you! It's your birthday soon, remember?" Claymond said. I look at him like he was stupid, but then I facepalmed.

All my brothers laugh, for some reason I always forget my birthday. And with 'always' I mean every, single, year...

"We are going to make it the best birthday yet!" Sam and Aiden said, highfiving each other.

My smile growns even wider, with all my brothers here...

Nothing can go wrong!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm trying my best, amd now I finaly have vacantion, I'm planing on writing much more!!

Chatroom Coincedence   {NewScapeComics}  //Not Continued//Where stories live. Discover now