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Double update today, woohooo!!
I suddenly have lots of inspiration, and I'm happy to share it with you all!!

Also, is it bad to draw fanart for your own book?? Because I did it, but not really meaning it <(^/ / /^)>

*Timeskip of five days, because I'm not creative enough to make stuff up for the to do*

Uni's POV

I pick up the last suitcase and look to my, quiet empt and clean, room. The last couple of days were quiet good. I got my hair dyed, a nice blue color, and my sister calls us every day on skype.

But now, it's my time to move, all the way to America. Not forever, but for a month. I can't wait to see Nick again, and maybe the NewScape guy. He never came online in a chatroom, and I sent him a private message, but he didn't respond to that either, maybe his computer got hacked?

Well, I'm taking my fathers old laptop with me, so I can still chat in a chatroom, and skype with my parents. I have everything to survive in America for a month. I pick up the old camera, the one that the shop had given me for free, amd put it in my backbag.

If I ever meet that NewScape guy, I can give this to him...

My mother and father are awake, and mom is bringing me to the airport now I'm in the car. In America it's somewere around 6 o'clock in the morning when I land, and I have to hold up the number that I got given, so my transfer family will know where I am.

"Oh Uni, I'm gonna miss you so much!" My mother said when we pulled up at the airport. I said I'm gonna miss her to, it's true, so why lie? We pulled my suitcases inside the airport, and I spotted my class afther 5 minutes.

"Well, I'll see you on Skype!" I said, kissing her cheek. My mother gave me a hug and patted my hair.

"You've chosen a great color, and I hope you make lots of other friends, besides Nick!" She said, and with that, she walked away. I go and stand by my class, and listend half to the teacher who's explaining the whole thing.

I can't wait to be in America!

Cory's POV

I wake up, only to see that it's 5 over 5 in the morning. I groan and stand up, I put on a hoodie and some jeans and I lay down on my bed again. The student will be here at a quarter past 6, so my brothers are alreasy awake and making breakfast. My father is gone, of the the airport to pick up the transfer student.

I just resieved a text from Nico, that said that all my brothers aren't allowed to talk to me, or over me when the transfer student is here. I guess now my mom isn't here, my dad is planning on making me dissapear from the world. They don't know that my father has locked me in here, they think I did it myself.

But today, I'm sixteen, I doubt I get any presents, and I don't even want presents. I just want to get out of my room, and maybe make friends with the transfer student, and laugh with my brothers. They are here for my birthday, and now, I'm locked inside my room, and everybody is forgetting about me.

I sound like emo, but it's not that, emo's are just looking for attension (A/n: Cory said it, not me), and I just want to be with my family.

Oh no! Today is also the day I need to go to therapy! So that means I can leave my room, which is a good thing. But therapy isn't good for me.

I sit in my room, for another hour, until I hear the door opening...

Uni's POV

"Welcome home kiddo!" The man, who's name is Carl I believe, yelled when we stepped inside the house. It wasn't a big house, but it isn't small either. And when I stepped inside the livingroom, I'm greated with the sight of 6 guys!

The taller three look like each other, and the three smaller ones look like each other. They all look to old to be in high school, so were is my transfer buddy?

"Welcome in America!" One of the guys said.

"Thanks, are you the brothers of my transfer buddy? Wow, I've never seen such a big family!" I said, looking at each of them. They all seem to grin at first, but when I said 'transfer buddy', they all seem to be less confident.

"Were is he exually?" I ask, looking around. Then all the guys dropped their head down. They look a little sad, I hope I didn't hit a sensitive nerve.

Aventualy, the tallest one stood up and spoke.

"Our younger brother, he just passed away, within the last week."

Chatroom Coincedence   {NewScapeComics}  //Not Continued//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora